Healthy For Life – Week 52

Here we are. The last card for the year. I can’t believe I’ve come this far. Even though I’m still holding on to the last ten pounds I’ve wanted to lose, I’ve come a long, long way this year.

More than anything else I’m amazed at the amount of exercise I’ve put into 2011. This is more exercise than I’ve done in my whole life up to now. Literally. I’ve walked/run almost 1,000 miles this year. This is an amazing record for me. I remember in 2010, when I setup my nike account, my password was something like “nonsense” because I thought it was crazy that I even thought I could do this.

And here we are. I know there is still one more day but at this point, I have enough faith in myself to tell you that I’ve exercised every single day in this calendar year.

Every. Single. Day.

I am beyond amazed. Proud. And I know this is just the beginning. I know the path forward is even harder. But now I am more determined than ever.

and here’s this week’s card:

Healthy for Life is a weekly project for 2011. You can read more about it here.

9 comments to Healthy For Life – Week 52

  • Cheryl

    Congratulations on your achievement of exercise and the commitment of doing it daily! Very impressive! Happy 2012!

  • Bravo Karen! 365 days! That is so amazing. Conquering the self is more difficult than conquering a city and you’ve done it. You should be so proud. It takes 3 months to form a permanent habit and you’ve already triple that.

    Is the next 10 pounds really necessary? Bear in mind that if you take up weight training, your weight will increase because muscles are heavier. Hope you get a chance to try yoga. I really enjoy it and love the strengthening and de-stressing benefits.

    Happy New Year!

    • karenika

      nope, the last 10 pounds is not necessary and might not come off. But if will keep me focused so the weight doesn’t creep back on. that’s really want matters 🙂

  • Maria

    Your blog has inspired me to stop looking and start doing! So next year (or tomorrow!) I am going to start my weekly/daily pages and to keep myself on track I am going to use my blog that is sadly neglected. I also just signed up for a local Watercolor Drawing Class. Thank you for sharing your life, your ideas and your beautiful family with us. Oh and also inspired by you – I am finally going to exercise to get healthy and not start another diet I will be doomed to fail.
    Happy New Year!

    • karenika

      how was day 1 and 2? 🙂

      • Maria

        I have enlisted my husband and son too so we all are going to work together! Let’s hope I am still this energetic about it on day 50 or 73 ! I am also taking your Reclaiming Your Time workshop so that is helping me see where I DO have the time to do the things I want to. My husband is always saying we have no time so I used one of the quotes from that workshop and pointed out that Einstein and DaVinci had the same amount of time…made him smile and think!
        Thanks for asking!

  • So loved reading this post. I too am feeling incredibly proud of sticking with my goals for 2011 – even added a bar graph on my blog. Such a great way to move into the new year.
    Happy 2012.

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