Weekly Reflection 2018 – 02

How I got Stronger this week: I exercised every day this week and also went back to the gym at work and did three Body Pump classes even though I was feeling all sore after the first one. I woke up on Monday morning and it was pitch black, pouring rain, but I still did my short cardio, got dressed and drove in for my 7am class just to drive back home at 8am when it was done. I am so proud of myself. I created more boundaries with some of the volunteer work I do at the kids’ school this week. I also tried to show up for work but also for myself. I’ve been working hard on myself. But even at work, I am working on taking things less personally and panicking less in general. 

Top Goals Review:  ready for the meeting, went back to the gym and sent off david’s round one. woot!

I celebrate: our mini vacation

I am grateful for: a long weekend

Karen’s Points: I did well this week too. I got full points everyday and I’ve been making a concerted effort to keep up with everything. 

A Change I embraced:  I quit caffeine this month as well and that’s been challenging even with the tea since I usually drink black tea. I’ve been experimenting with several herbal teas, trying to find one that I like the most. 

I let go of:  working myself into a frenzy at work. I am trying to pace myself better.

Core Desired Feelings Check-in:

  • Fresh: I am exploring what it looks like when I drop my assumptions at work and at home. I have so many things churning in my head at all times and I am trying to pay attention to the noise so I can work on clearing it a bit. It starts with paying attention.
  • Magical: This week’s magical moment is beautiful Southern California. The sun, the ocean waves, and the palm trees. Makes me wonder why we ever left San Diego.
  • Lighter: I will say that the vacation helps me feel lighter too. Just taking a bit of time off. 
  • True: I’ve been speaking up at work and trying to make sure I am honest with my perspective.

Where I chose Joy: I didn’t want to take a vacation, i am always happier at home. Or so I think. It’s not that I am happier at home, it’s that I am happy enough at home and inertia is always strong with me. So I chose joy by taking my family on vacation. 

I showed up for: for Jake this week. 

A Mistake I made this week: This is not unique to this week but I made it this week so I am going to document. When I feel like I am disappointing someone or letting them down, it really makes me trigger. So then I go on and on yelling or being upset because this other person put me in a position where I have to let them down. There are two major things here: if i don’t want to do it then this is part of boundary building and I have to teach myself that i am choosing to let this person down and i can apologize but i don’t need to get all wound up. It’s not about them, it’s about me. And secondly, I need to learn that I am going to let people down and it’s part of life. Ideally I’d do it as little as possible and less to people I love but even then it will happen. I don’t need to make it worse by yelling I can apologize and leave it at that and learn to get comfortable with the feeling of discomfort that will bring. 

What I tolerated this week: a lot of non-work related meetings. i had clients and school meetings and it took away the little free time I had. 

My mood this week was: i felt energized in the beginning of the week after I went to the gym.

I forgive myself for: reading less this week, there wasn’t enough time. also for being difficult.

What I love right now: I the waves hitting the beach, my favorite nature sound.

Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

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