December Daily 2016 – Day Ten

Day ten has two stories because I’d already made one when the other happened and I knew I had to also add it. The first story is about David being with his friends at Tech Challenge. I printed a few photos and put them in the slot in the page. To the right, is the second story: Two bombs that went off in Istanbul.

On the back, is the story about how I always feel worried having family away.

Thankfully, my family is ok.

December Daily 2016 – Day Nine

I finally got some time to catch up on my pages.Day nine was going to David’s school and watching the arts and electives culmination. I got a copy of the program.

I love adding these into my journals.

David performed two Beatles songs: If I Fell and Here Comes the Sun.

and he made this beautiful lantern which depicts scenes from his short story. I love love loved it.

I was grumpy about going to this culmination after a terribly long Friday and realized I would have missed so much had I not gone!

December Daily 2016 – Day Eight

Here’s day eight! I talked about our Jewish Christmas tree today. I will likely have more pages about our tree but I still wanted to make sure to do this one.

Love those blue lights.

I then added a photo of my tree in daylights

it’s a little 5×7 insert.

and then in the back, it’s night:

see you tomorrow! 🙂

December Daily 2016 – Day Seven

Day Seven is all about the cookie decorating party we had at work! I added a page with my photo of my decorated cookie.

a shot of some of the awesome decorations for the back:

I like adding these random pages into the album:

and then in the original day seven page, I put a shot of the whole table and did some journaling. We had this one edible stocking where you could write your name so I snagged one and added that to my page, too.

so grateful for my job!

December Daily 2016 – Day Six

I wanted to commemorate our puzzles for Day Six. We’ve been working on this Harry Potter puzzle for over a week and finally finished it!!

Here’s a single page look:

I’ve been trying to keep it simple this year so it’s still doable.


December Daily 2016 – Day Five

Here’s day five! Every Sunday I go to the farmer’s market to get the boys’ their berries for the week. It is one of my favorite things to do so I wanted to make sure to put it here.

And the little photo on top is from my friend Evelyn’s party. She’s a parent at my son’s school, an amazing writer and she runs the Young Adult book club I go to. Love her!

That’s it for day five 🙂


December Daily 2016 – Day Four

Here’s day four! Today is all about the Google Holiday Party. There were two sets of photobooth shots I loved from this party. So I put my favorite one on top.

and it flips open to the other one and I also glued our ticket from the Tech Museum and the bracelet we wore to get into the party. 

That’s it for day four. I’m already loving this project so much.


December Daily 2016 – Day Three

Here’s day three. Today is all about Breakfast with Santa which we’ve now done for six years.

The night before was a birthday party Nathaniel attended for his best friend and they sent him home with a lot of balloons.

On the back is our Santa Photo (doesn’t he look so happy?! – not!) and some journaling about what they discussed.

and then some breakfast photos with me and the kids and jake and the kids and then our photobooth photos.

And of course the journaling 🙂

Happy Day Three!

December Daily 2016 – Day Two

Here’s day two! I decided to keep this day light. I loved this photo of the two boys looking over the Nintendo DS so I just snapped it and then wrote a small amount of journaling.

I like the way the page looks and the transparency.

a simple one today 🙂

December Daily 2016 – Day One

Here’s day one! Yesterday was a full day. I started with dropping Nathaniel off and going to David’s school for my regular Thursday volunteer spot. On Thursday mornings, two other parents and I discuss books with 11 3rd and 4th graders. We arrived early and were able to check out the Book Fair for a few minutes and David went to class and I went to reroute the Lit Club kids (we usually meet at the library but it was closed due to Book Fair.) This week’s meeting was our final one for Ophelia and the Marvelous Boy. After the discussion, they went back to class and the three of us walked to the library to do the notes we leave for each kid in their binder. That plus discussing the next two weeks took up most of the time I had left before I was scheduled to work at the Book Fair. I then moved on to learn how to use the cash register and spent the next three hours working there. When I finally left David’s school, I feverishly checked all my email and drove back home in time for a meeting. Two meetings later, I picked up Nathaniel and then rushed back home for another meeting. I had a hair appointment after that so I asked Jake to pick up David and left.

I won’t bore you with the details but the next hour was a mad insane rush of trying to see if Jake could make it to the shuttle stop before David got there (spoiler alert: he didn’t!) and finding another parent who was there so she could hang on to David until Jake could get there. All of this remotely while I was getting my hair done. Fun times. Once David was safely home, I dialed into my final meeting of the day (from the hairdresser no less) and made it back home around 9pm where I pretty much went right to bed. Don’t you feel tired just reading that?

Alas, I decided to make my first day about the morning at school since it was all about volunteering with my kids and how much it means to me. I had more than one photo so I made a little flap and put the Book Fair photo first.

When you open it, you can see the second photo with the two other parents sitting on the floor with me and adding post-its to each kid’s binder. And I wrote my journaling on the other side.


and that’s it for day one! 🙂 Here’s to hoping Day Two is considerably less crazy.


December Daily 2016 – Beginnings

Since I generally lag a day behind for December Daily, I figured a good way to start is posting my initial pages. I will do my best to keep up with this each day and see if I can post, but considering how my schedule is considerably more hectic than usual, we’ll see if I can manage this.

After much deliberation, I decided not to put anything on the cover of my journal yet. The items I put usually fall off over the years so I didn’t want to bother this time. We’ll see if I change my mind by the end of the month. So when you open the album, the first page you see is this:


The first page is an overlay, it’s transparent so you can see the photo below.

here’s a closer look at the snowflake:

when you flip the transparency, you get to this page. I wanted the first thing to be a photo of all of us as of now :

it’s become my tradition to start the album with “and so it begins”:

a little word sticker on the bottom right:

and the back of the page has my reason why:

it’s sparkly. this is the first time I’ve done the reason why.

and there we are. tomorrow we’ll begin properly.

Hello December, love you so!

December Daily 2016 – Pre Pages

It’s almost time for the most magical time of the year. My favorite.  I am not a fan of winter in general.  I don’t celebrate any of the other national holidays with vigor. I don’t care for Valentine’s Day, Halloween or even Thanksgiving, really. I don’t mind any of them (well I am not a fan of all the scary stuff around Halloween.) I just don’t feel the need to go all out. I don’t feel motivated to make a big deal.

But that’s not true for Christmastime.

I am a bonafide fan of December. I’ve always loved the New Year. I’ve always loved twinkling lights. I’ve always loved Christmas Trees. There were bits and pieces of this season that I’ve cherished over my lifetime. But I firmly believe that this lovely little project has contributed widely to my love of the holiday season. Here are the things this little album has added into my life:

  • It’s made me more intentional: More things happen because I plan them.
  • It’s made me take more photos: I make a point to bring my camera, to pause to capture the moments.
  • It’s made me more reflective: I take the time to journal my thoughts, print the photos, and put everything together every single night. This means I reflect daily.
  • It’s made me more grateful: Reflecting daily almost always translates to huge amounts of gratitude.
  • It’s made me more creative: I am guaranteed to spend some time doing something artsy/crafty every day in December.

How can you not love this project?

I always put my pre-pages together before the month but this year I found myself struggling with the idea. I was thinking maybe it’s better if I just wait until December and do it daily. Then I remembered how hard decision-making can be when you have too many choices and reminded myself that this helps narrow things down and make this project considerably more manageable. So I compromised and kept my pages pretty bare. This gives me a starting point but also gives me flexibility. (I’ve put in some pretty magazine pages in place of photos for now so it’s easier to see the page content.) - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016 - december daily 2016

I’ve been doing a monthlong December project since 2007 which means this will be my tenth December album. Here’s to many many more.