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Here's the second project of 2009 for me. I was one of the lucky people to get one of Becky Higgins' Kits of the Month called Project 365. It's organized such that when you have an open spread you see a full week's worth of journaling and photos. Since I have a new baby coming in a few months, I thought it wouldn't be fair to do another Daily David and there was no way I could commit to two photos a day (I'll be lucky if I can keep up one a day.)

So I like this idea of a photo of a day with a little story each day. Sometimes it will be just David. Sometimes me, sometimes Jake. Sometimes all of us. Sometimes about the new baby. Sometimes about some other bit of life. I have a feeling it will end up quite wonderful.

I am hoping I can keep up with it and I feel optimistic. Like last year, I'll post the photos here, too so it can keep me honest and my family and friends can watch along.

January 01, 2009 | scrapbooking | share[]
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