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This is for creative therapy catalyst 13: thank someone.

There are many people who have helped me in my life. Many people who deserve thanks for so many things. But what my son has already done for my life will forever be the one thing I am eternally grateful for.

Before David was born, I had always been a sad person inside. Not that I didn’t have happy moments but overall, my normal state of being was on the sad side. I remember that when I was pregnant, I was really worried that my son would have a sad mom and blame himself. I was worried I would have really bad post-partum. I was worried about a lot of things. I wanted to “fix myself” before he came. I made up this big sign that read “Give up that there’s something wrong.” and I put it above my bedroom door so I saw it every morning and night. I was going to learn to be happy, no matter what it took.

It turned out that I really didn’t have anything to worry about. I cannot explain why or how but the minute David was born, something fundamental shifted inside me. Not only did I not have an inkling of post-partum, but David made me a happy person. Since his birth, I have felt a deep peace inside that I had never experienced previously. He has literally changed who I am.

No matter what the coming years bring, I will forever be thankful to my boy for giving me this priceless gift.

Journaling Reads: David the list of things for which I am thankful to you goes on and on. You have brought so much joy into my life and you have taught me that life is full of fun and happiness. The way your life is all about the little moments and making tons of tiny memories is what I cherish the most. You have taught me how to live and how to love you. ---

I've used Glimmer Mist that I was lucky to get as part of being on A Million Memories DT. You can't really see but the hearts glimmer.

June 09, 2008 | scrapbooking | share[]
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