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This week's catalyst is: Tell us about something you don’t appreciate enough. (something that you take for granted)

I wrote:

I don’t know what I did to be the luckiest Mom in the world, but I really feel like I am so blessed. Maybe every Mom thinks her kid is wonderful but so many strangers tell me how special you are every day. You’re kind and generous. You are sweet and helpful. You are pensive and quiet. Yet when I go out with you, you talk to everyone. You can walk up to a stranger and start a conversation. You go, “Hi, I David. I three years old.” And people can’t help but laugh. Which you then take as your cue to keep talking. You can play with anyone, you’re not choosy. I love all of this about you.

But my favorite thing is what I see when I watch you when you’re not looking. When you’re lost in your own little world, playing with your cars or trains or blowing bubbles. You have such a rich fantasy life; you can play for hours by yourself and you tell yourself stories. Sometimes I interrupt and ask you what you’re saying and you say, “I talking to myself Mommy.” I guess in that way you’re my little boy. A self-content little boy.

David, I don’t know how I got so lucky as to have a son like you but I want you to know that I will never take any moment of it for granted.

December 01, 2008 | scrapbooking | share[]
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