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Catalyst forty-five is up at creative therapy: If you got to write a book/movie/song what would it be about?

Here are my words:
I actually wrote books for a while and this is a poster I made in a design class I took. This poster is for the first book I wrote. It’s about a girl who goes back home to take care of her mother with whom she has some deep issues and reconnects with her highschool love. In the book, the mom has lupus which is called the butterfly disease, hence the butterfly on the cover.

I love reading mainstream fiction and about strong characters and their connections to each other and those are the kind of books I’d like to write. I don’t dream of many many things in my life but writing a book and getting published is a lifelong dream. I yearn to write and to write well. Maybe one day…

January 18, 2009 | creative therapy catalysts | share[]
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