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Catalyst seventy-one is: If I had one day to do over and over, what would I want to do with it?

Here are my words:
On this day that I’d like to live again and again, I wake up before everyone and enjoy a warm drink and some solitude. Then, slowly, my household wakes up and we have a delicious breakfast as a family. Then, we take a car trip to the beach or forest. We take photos, we have a picnic, and we play together and laugh. We drive back home and we take quiet time as we read and relax. For dinner, we cook together and eat something delicious and healthy. Then we snuggle up and read or watch TV together. After some kisses and bedtime words, the kids go to bed and we have some us time just my husband and I. That’s about it. Maybe it’s ordinary to you, but I can live this simple day over and over again and always be so so happy.

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