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You know it was time for another tulip shot, right?

I guess my "middle of the day" nap got in the way yesterday cause I couldn't sleep properly all night. I woke up at 1am and didn't go back to sleep until 3am. I am not sure if it's the baby, the crazy amount of other stuff happening in my life right now, or just feeling not tired but it makes the next day that much harder.

So so on the productivity scale today. But feeling ok despite being a bit tired. I got my tag finished (coming in the next post) which makes me happy. Finished a few more odds and ends and I am off to read some paperwork that needs to be read today. A few more errands this afternoon and I should feel like a good, solid day and then I can do some more art. The art makes me so happy.

David and I also played a game today. One he invented. He spent a long time collecting items for it, waited patiently until I was ready to play, and then meticilously wrote instructions for it. Here he is going over the instructions with me:

And then explaining all the pieces of the game:

How can one not love this boy?

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