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I am sorry, I don't know why I keep falling behind lately. Today was a long day of a lot of errands for us. It started with a doctor's appointment. I am only 2cm dilated and around 50% effaced so there's still a while to go for the little one. We then ran a bunch more errands and then went to Subway. I seem to be completely addicted to the chicken fillet sandwiches there lately and crave them every single day.

We then came home and were both wiped so took naps and then woke up and went back out. After finishing off a really important errand, we finally decided to celebrate this very productive day with some ice cream. David ate this relatively gross one and I had some chocolate ice cream with bananas. Yum.

Probably due to the doctor's appointment and the hectic day, but I had some crampy contractions today. The kind that signifies labor. So tomorrow's going to be a quiet day at home just to make sure.

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