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Rabbit rabbit.

A bit bummed that we're already in August. I have about six more weeks of maternity left and then back to work. Considering how little sleep I get at night, I am hoping I can keep it together.

This is my new necklace. I had the Lisa Leonard one since the beginning of the year and when I saw this heart pendant from superhero designs I fell in love. I kept going to the site every day until I finally caved in and bought it. The back says "loved." I really love it.

Here's my daily Nathaniel. I can't believe he's past three months already. Time literally flies.

And here's David down on the floor with Nathaniel cause he's so nice to his brother and loves keeping him company.

Not much else to report from this quiet day. I spent some time doing the digital elements (see post below) and a bit of time reading. Otherwise, not much else I'm afraid. But I am trying to take it easy and enjoy the little free time I will have.

Happy August.

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