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We baked more today. Blueberry muffins for David's class. They turned out pretty yummy. David had a lot of fun mixing the flour and sugar and putting the papers into the trays. Nathaniel's going through this super-clingy phase so he cried every time I left the room even to get the ingredients. But we made it.

And I tried to give Nathaniel some avocado and was met with this face.

And a lot of gagging. Let's just say he didn't like it.

Here's our tree. I've made my peace with it being slanted.

And the mantle with our stockings and the beautiful mirror.

Nathaniel is also in this phase where he gets up every time I put him in bed and cries and cries. Fun fun.

Sorry that the posts have been inconsistent this last week. I am spending more time with my family for December which is giving me less time to do these things. I am prepared for pages 8 and some of 9 for tomorrow and I will post them. I did finish a book last week and I plan to post that, too. And I've got an idea for downloads so expect those some time tomorrow. My tag, I haven't begun yet. But I shall. At some point. Apologies. Family comes first.

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