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So is it better to share tulip photos too often or David ones? I can never get enough of either so it's a dilemma. Let me know if you have a preference.

My weird days are continuing...after yesterday's odd incidence at school, today David decided to have a full-on melt-down which he's never ever had in four years. It was so odd that the teachers didn't know what to do. I am not sure where it came from but I am hoping it was a one-time incident. It also meant I was 15 minutes late to my morning meeting but otherwise things have been pretty quiet. Well, except the fact that I woke up at 4am and couldn't go back to sleep and I am going out tonight so we'll see how I survive the night out. Baby's still kicking like crazy and I love feeling it especially when he or she is obviously doing cartwheels inside. Here's one of David from this morning where he's sneaking a smile:

I spent a little bit of time helping a friend today with some coding problem and once I figured out the problem, it was one of those "i can't believe someone would write code this bad" cases which made me laugh so hard that I had to call Jake up to share. I love that we can share things like that and we understand each others' jobs well enough.

Less than a month for my class at BPS to start. I am really really excited about it and can't wait. A post coming with more details in a minute.

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