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Last night I finally decided to give Nathaniel the milk I'd been saving. If I waited a few more days, it was going to go bad. I'm going to have to pump a whole bunch this weekend as next week is hectic with lots of people in and out of our house so I won't be able to nurse as easily. Here's David giving milk to the baby. He thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Then again, he's just the sweetest boy. Nathaniel, on the other hand, wasn't in the best mood.

I wanted to take a photo of both kids and here's David being his sweet, accomodating self and Nathaniel, not so much.

After a bunch of nursing, a nap, some burping later, he finally was in a good mood.

Not much light in this house. I can't wait to move. On other news, Nathaniel is definitely tracking now, nice to see that progress and he gives big, huge smiles throughout the day. We did a few more errands today (hard as they are with two kids) and packed a few more boxes. Here's something I learned while I packed my minibooks: I need to use more (or stronger) adhesive. All the embellishments were falling off. Ugh.

Happy weekend!

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