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Happy Pi Day!

My beautiful sister-in-law threw me a baby shower today. It was a wonderful, relaxed one and good friends came. We didn't have a lot of people but it was really nice to have one nonetheless. I am reall thankful that they came all this way just for us and played with David so much too. She bought some yummmy food and did some traditions from each family member.

Here's my brother in law, Danny, and David.

Here's a tradition my other sister in law, Andee, does: we gave candles to everyone so they could light them when I am in labor.

One from Lelia herself: she bought stickers and got the guests to pick the ones they liked and write some words on a picture frame so when the baby comes we can put the photo in it with everyone's sentiments around it.

And finally one from my sister: a sheet torn by everyone and then candy wrapped in it.

And that's it. I hope your day was as nice as mine.

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