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Here's David and his teacher Cody. Aren't they so sweet? David was really odd this morning. He didn't want to get out of bed. He woke up, took off his pajamas, got dressed, and went back into bed. He kept saying he was still tired. It was really really odd.

I meant to say that the really colorful place where Nathaniel was sleeping yesterday was a present from our friend Jess. Something I really wanted so thank you so much Jess! Nathaniel loves it too. So does David. He loves playing with the baby toys everywhere. He keeps showing Nathaniel his toys too. He's so sweet.

Here's Nathaniel from this morning. He was actually awake when I took David to school which is pretty rare since the car puts him to sleep asap.

A better night last night. We all slept a bunch more. I decided to give myself the day off and took a morning nap and feel much more rested. The headache is still here but quiet now. The next six weeks promises to be very hectic but a good kind of hectic a new, big step in our life. I can't wait!

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