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David's class is studying bugs this week. I used to take photos of David at school all the time before Nathaniel came. But now I carry him to school so I don't have two hands free to take photos.

Today, I put him down on the carpet in David's class.

It took him seconds to get going.

He only stopped to watch his brother.

Who gave him his daily kiss and a hug before we left to go back home.

How can one not be thankful for this life?

I've been worrying about work and not being as productive as I'd like lately but yet yesterday a workmate said some wonderfully appreciative words to me and I felt so thankful that I saved them so I could go back and look next time I felt insecure. And today he did something even nicer. It's nice to feel appreciated. If there's someone you're appreciating, make sure to tell them. You never know, you might make their day. He sure made mine.

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