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Ok, I know it's a terrible shot but I wasn't letting today pass without getting some sort of Thanksgiving shot.

Our day started out ok but went downhill quickly when Nathaniel decided to skip his midday nap. He cried and cried so I finally gave up and we went out to the track so Jake could do his run.

Doesn't he look amazing? While he was running David played and smiled and was generally happy.

Even Nathaniel was smiling but don't let that fool you, he was cranky.

Not this one, though. Sweet as ever.

When Jake finished, David did a run around the track, too.

Then we went home and I foolishly thought that Nathaniel would finally fall asleep. But no. He slept for 20 minutes and he was up. While he was sleeping, I got all of our food into bowls and started cooking the broccoli and butternut squash. Even though he was sitting next to me after he woke up, he whined and cried the entire time. He wanted my attention on nothing but him. I then put him down at 4 again and he still wouldn't take a nap so I finally just gave up.

I'm not one to care too much about Thanksgiving. I didn't grow up here so I never had the tradition. And often times there's too much family around. I am more of a one-on-one person and get easily stressed with too many people around, even if it's the people I am closest to. And since we had no one visiting this year, I thought Jake was going to be happy skipping Thanksgiving altogether.

But it turned out he wanted to have it. So last night we went to Whole Foods and got a few items we loved: a roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, roasted vegetables, Israeli cous cous, mac'n'cheese, and stuffing. Today, he went to get rolls, cranberry sauce, and a pumpkin pie at the grocery store. I made the same butternut squash casserole from a week ago and some broccoli (with a little cheese and onions.) We had enough food for 16 people and it was really just me and Jake since David's a picky eater and only wanted to eat rolls. (In the end he did eat some of the squash, chicken, mac'n'cheese, and stuffing, too. And pumpkin pie with ice cream of course.)

All in all, despite the lack of naps and much crying, it was a wonderful, peaceful and quiet thanksgiving. We're all full, happy and feeling thankful for so much of what we have.

If you live in the US, I hope your Thanksgiving was special, too.

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