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I took this shot on a recent walk David, Nathaniel and I took. I can never capture the beauty of flowers the way I wish to. The way I see them.

So today I started working again after 5.5 months of maternity. This date was plaguing me for several reasons and I was really anxious about it. The amazing thing is, when the morning finally arrived, I felt at peace. Most of the anxiety is gone and I am feeling much more peaceful than I have in weeks.

I still have a lot to learn (moving into a new position) and I am nervous about some of it but I have faith that, in time, I will pick it up and it will be ok. And if it's not... well, I am not worrying about that just yet.

The greatest thing is, I get to work from home. This is the original reason I chose to work with computers over twenty years ago. I knew I wanted to be home to see my kids grow up and I am blessed to get to do that. Blessed beyond belief.

Because I'm still trying to get Nathaniel's naps organized, I work upstairs in the bedroom for now so I can watch him on the video monitor. Here's a shot of what things look like in my room during the day.

And just in case you think Nathaniel's not enjoying it, I assure you, he is.

It's challenging to work from home, on many levels. And when I did it before it wasn't for a company like Google and I only had one kid, so I expect this to be even more challenging but I am up for it. I am excited about it. This is going to work!

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