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Dualities Within

My sophomore year in college, my friend Jessica recommended a fun book called Life Colors. The book is supposed to tell you your aura color.

You take these extensive tests, which are multi-question and can be answered by "yes", "no" or "sometimes". At the end, you add up your replies and pick the category with the most yes's.

My aura is blue. Hands down. I have a small dose of green, which must be why I can function in corporate America, but I am pretty much the casebook example of the overly emotional, overly maternal blue.

Do I think all this aura stuff is true? Nope.

Do I find it entertaining? Sure, I'm pretty easily amused.

Do I decide anything based on these results? Good Grief, No!

But one of the things I like about this book is that it doesn't just list the typical characteristics of a blue. It differentiates between two states that are common in most people's lives. Centered and in power versus being out of power. This certifies that I am not the only person who acts totally different when I feel confident then when I am drained and weak.

On a good day, I am kind, confident, a true "doer" and I kick ass. Nothing can get to me cause I rule. I will do anything in my power to help others.

On one of the many bad days, I whine. I am paranoid and worried constantly. I am insecure.

To an outsider, these dualities might give the impression that I am possessed, but they're both me and now a published book confirms that possibility. Color me happy!

To add to my delight, Pamala adds that blues like to comfort and counsel people, they worry continuously, they cry even at happy movies, they are bad at receiving compliments, people trust them, they are great promoters of things they believe in, they desperately want to be loved, if one bad thing is said they will remember that over a million positive things, they are often overworked and overwhelmed with responsibilities they create, they are strong feelers and they must learn to love themselves.

It's good to know that there are enough people like me to justify an entire category.

Previously? Anywhere, Anyone

March 01, 2001 | previous | personal | share[]
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