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I'm still reading. Not as fast and not as much, but I am. And each time I do, I remember how much I miss it. How much I love getting lost in another world. Here are a few from the last few weeks:

Ever since I discovered him two years ago, I immediately knew that I could never go wrong with Murakami and A Wild Sheep Chase is no exception. An intriguing, hard to understand book that leaves you with more questions than answers. I loved it nonetheless. There's something about Murakami's style that just speaks to me, I guess.

And then I read The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes. This was a Costco find. I always try to peruse the book aisle at Costco. I take photos of the titles I like and then check them out at amazon and if they still look good, I check them out from the library. This was one of those. It took me a while to get into the story but I did enjoy it quite a bit by the end. I don't know if I would recommend it as much as say that it wasn't a bad read.

Which brings me to the sequels of Twilight. I read Twilight back in January and I have no idea why I waited this long to read the sequels, but I am so glad I finally remembered to check them out. In the last week, I read 1,200 pages and I wish there were more. Many more. These books are really wonderful. The characters are well thought out and far from perfect or typical. The story keeps moving forward constantly. The dialog is far from flat. One can sympathize with each character in a different way. The writing is smooth and doesn't get in the way of the story or the characters.

Reading New Moon and Eclipse made me wish I was writing again. It made me wish I could write such good stories, so well. It must be an amazing feeling to be able to write books that people love to read. Books that are page turners. I absolutely love these books. The fact that they are about vampires, which is something I would never read about and young adult novels, which I also don't read, is just icing on the cake that shows good books are just good books regardless of subject or targeted age group.

April 06, 2008 | literature | share[]
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