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Mentally Horny

I found something new that makes me horny.

This is less a trait and more like an event that gives me the same rush as being turned on. In the last two weeks, I've had the inklings of two new friendships.

There's something mentally titillating about making a new friend. You're with this new person who knows so very little about you and vice versa. There's an unlimited amount of potential conversations. There are no preconceived notions, no assumptions, no dirty history to drag up. It's brand new and full of possibilities.

New friends open up new worlds. Boundless conversations. New ideas. Someone else's story, their life, their thoughts, their creativity. When I meet someone new, I can't stop thinking about them. I want to hang out with them continuously. When I recall tidbits of our conversations, I smile. It's like my mind is on overdrive. The fun thing is that of my two new possible friends one is a female and the other a male, so I know my excitement is not gender specific.

It's the same exhilaration I get from learning. The idea of knowing something you didn't, the way it changes your mind, your thought process. A new friend, to me, is a new perspective. A new pair of eyes to see life through. Someone who introduces me to a new set of paths.

My two new friends are completely different from each other. They have different pasts, different presents and most likely different futures. But they've both already added seeds into my life. They're a part of my present and will affect my future in some way or another, even if they're not physically in it. Since they help me expand my mind, I find myself horny for the mental stimulation.

Old friends, loved ones and family are indispensable. They are people who love you the way you are. They know your past, they've lived it with you. They have weathered the good and the bad with you. And you know they will be there no matter how far apart you might be physically. They are like a safety blanket.

New friends may come and go. They might turn into something more lasting, or they might never be more than momentary, but even that single moment leaves its traces in your life. Snippets of dialogue. Memories of a shared laugh. A new way to look at an old idea. All of these are just as indispensable.

New friends replenish my mind and revive my mood.

Previously? Satisfaction.

November 06, 2001 | previous | friendship | share[]
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