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This is with the AMM April Kit.

Journaling Reads:
"Mommy, when will I be ten?"

"In six years, my sunshine."

"I want to be ten!"

"You will be, soon, my love."

We play this game on the way from and to school each day. You want to know when you will be older and you list all the things you will do when you're at that age. And then, a few days ago you asked, "Mommy, when will I be twenty?"

"In sixteen years, my boy."

"I want to be twenty!!"

"Not soon, sweetie, I don't want you to be twenty, yet."

"Why not?"

"Well when you're twenty, you won't be living with Mommy and Daddy anymore. You'll be going to school and sleeping at school and I will miss you."

You thought about this for a while, asked a few followup questions and then said, "I don't want to be twenty, yet. I want to be six!"

I smiled knowing this wouldn't last long and that the prospect of living with Mommy and Daddy would soon be less than exciting but I will take what I can get and I will make sure to cherish these days when you still pick us over the alternative.

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