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Sketch 8 for 1-in-48. This one got noteworthy on the Creating Keepsakes website. Yey! Journaling Reads:

Still catching up on the two I missed while I was in San Diego. Here's the journaling:

Little David, you’re such a two-year-old. You cause a tremendous amount of mischief all day long. You break our CDs, take the tape out of out cassettes so that they are irreparable. You break all the crayons and then write all over the walls with them. You draw on the car window. You put your stickers on Mommy’s computer. You hide your food all over the house and dump your apple on the floor when you’re done with it. You refuse to sit in your chair and spill your drink all over the table.

When I ask you to do something, you look at me like you’re in deep suffering. You beg, you yell, you rebel in every way you can. But if I keep refusing, that’s when you pull out the big guns: you look at me with those big, blue eyes and give me one of those special smiles that you know melts my heart. That’s when I can no longer fight with you. I just give up and hug you really tight.

Well, Mr. Charming, I don’t know how much longer you’re going to be able to get away with those cute faces, so enjoy it while you can.

September 27, 2007 | scrapbooking | share[]
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