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One of Those Days

There are days when something tiny throws off the whole balance of the day. And you can't even tell why, when, or how it began. Days when an unreturned email means much more than the fact that the person was too busy. Days when a small rejection becomes personal. Days when all color seems to drain from the world and everything is seen through blurry eyes. Days when the ones on your side don't know what they're talking about and those on the opposite side have it right. When a miniscule hiccup on the road becomes a full blown hurdle. Enough reason to stop trying. Days when you feel it's easier to give up or give in. When you want to go to sleep just so you can wake up to a new day and hope it will be better. When all possibility out of this one is already drained out.

Today is one of those days for me. Here's to wishing tomorrow looks better.

January 11, 2004 | previous | emotional | share[]
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