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When I first heard about this book, I thought it was yet another in the line of chick-lit like the Devil Wears Prada or the Shopaholic series. There's nothing wrong with those books but I haven't been able to enjoy them, so I steered clear of Prep. The book kept coming back into my life. I read about it everywhere and it was recommended by AskMe. After a few months, when I ran into it at Costco, I figured maybe it was time to buy it and read it.

So I did.

Prep was a relatively quick read though it actually took longer than I thought, especially towards the end. I found the story less and less interesting as it went along. I related less to the character than I thought. To be fair, I didn't go to a prep school. Or maybe I did but it was in Turkey and it wasn't boarding and it was all-women. So I don't even know why I thought I would relate to it. Having said that, this book made me feel glad I hadn't gone to a prep school and sealed the already-determined fate of my son.

I thought the writing was good. It didn't get in the way of the story, which is one of my pet peeves. When the story stopped being interesting and I stopped caring about the character, I just kept reading for the momentum of it. Overall, I'd have to say it was okay. But not fantastic.

June 05, 2006 | literature | share[]
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