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The Solace of Leaving Early by Haven Kimmel was recommended to me by my good friend Michelle. Probably one of the most beautiful books I've read in my life. It's a story about a woman who drops out of her doctoral program and goes back to her hometown and a minister in the same hometown, both of whom are dealing with their own personal problems and who are put in a situation where they have to take care of two little orphaned girls.

It's so touching and so very emotional to read. It's really beautifully written and the characters are three dimensional and flawed and honest. There's a lot of color in the book and great descriptions of the children's reaction to the terrible tragedy and the adults' differing ways of treating the children. It's really a phenomenal read.

I haven't read Kimmel's more famous book, A Girl Named Zippy, but I think I will have to after this.

March 16, 2006 | literature | share[]
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