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Journaling Reads:
When I go through the rolls of photos I take of you, I always run into a few pictures where I feel like I am intruding on a private moment. Since you're not talking much, yet, I haven't had the opportunity to discover how your mind works and I am very curious. When you're sitting in the little white chair in the backyard by yourself, what are you thinking?

When you're looking far away, not responding to any of my questions, what are you thinking? When you're so lost in your own world that you don't even notice the click of the camera, what are you thinking?

Little boy, I can't wait until you're fully talking. I can't wait to see how your mind works and all the thoughts that occupy your time. I can't wait to hear all your questions and I can't wait for you to stump me. I can't wait to explain things to you and see your mind working to digest them, only to come up with new questions to push the boundaries of your knowledge, and mine.

I can't wait to tell you all about why the sky is blue and the grass is green. I can't wait to hear your thoughts about the clouds and the bugs that you so love to watch. I can't wait to get to a place where your speech skills catch up with your obvious need and wish to communicate.

Until then, I will look at these photos and wonder: what are you thinking?

August 07, 2007 | scrapbooking | share[]
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