Catalyst 111 – Predictable and Boring

Catalyst One Hundred and Eleven is: Did you ever get into trouble?

I have always been the girl who follows the rules. Predictable and boring and never really did anything to get myself in trouble. Sometimes I wonder how it would have been if I weren’t but in the end I love the predictable, the safe, the reliable. Those are me.

Catalyst 110 – Quiet and Pensive

Catalyst One Hundred and Ten is: How would you describe yourself as a child?

As a little kid I was mostly quiet and pensive. I tended to sit by myself, preferred reading over anything else and it wasn’t until my mid-teens that I became more outgoing and friendly. Even though most people would say I’m extroverted today, I’m still that quiet and pensive girl on the inside.

Catalyst 109 – A Night to Remember

Catalyst One Hundred and Nine is: What was the best night of your life so far?

When Jake and I had just started dating, I got to go home with him to a family Christmas party. It was a last minute decision where I convinced him to surprise his family (we were in college, had final exams, etc.) When we showed up his whole family was so excited and his mom even cried. The whole night she introduced me as the girl who brought her son home. Of course I had no idea at the time that I would end up marrying this boy. But it was the best way to be introduced to the family and one of my favorite nights ever because I got to see everyone so happy.

Catalyst 108 – So so proud

Catalyst One Hundred and Eight is: Are you proud of who you are?

There are many accomplishments in my life that make me feel proud but none more so than my two little boys. They are my pride and joy and I will never feel more proud of anything than I feel about the life Jake and I have made together.

Catalyst 107 – Maya Always

Catalyst One Hundred and Seven is: Honor a family member.

My grandmother, Maya, was a magnificent human being. We lost her on February 16, 2010 (I wrote a long entry here.) and I will never ever forget her. I love you Omama.

Catalyst 106 – Burgaz

Catalyst One Hundred and Six is: Where did you grow up?

I’ve had the luxury of having an idyllic childhood experience. As a child, I spent my summers on this island called Burgaz. It’s in the middle of the Marmara Sea in Turkey. It’s tiny and can be walked in two hours. It has no cars, only horse carriages and some of the best memories I’ve ever had were created there. A truly wonderful place to grow up.

Catalyst 105 – A Shared Fear

Catalyst One Hundred and Five is: Tell a random childhood memory

My sister and I fought pretty much all the time as kids. One day, I got really mad at her and banged her door on my way out. Within seconds, I heard this really loud crashing sound and when I opened the door, I saw that her window had broken. Since we were both much more afraid of our mom finding out than anything else, we immediately forgot about our fight and collaborated on a solution. With the help of our dad, the window was replaced without a trace of what happened, before my mom came home.

Catalyst 104 – Don’t Play Games

Catalyst One Hundred and Four is: What advice do you have for other couples?

I am a firm believer that if you want to be with some one and have a solid, growing relationship it’s best not to play any games. You need to be straightforward and be your true self. Only then can you see if this person is a good fit for you, for who you really are. I’ve always found games to be deceiving, childish and detrimental to the health of the relationship. So that’s my biggest advice: Be yourself.

Catalyst 103 – Levent

Catalyst One Hundred and Three is: When did you first fall in love?

I’ve had many crushes in my youth but my first love was Levent who was, at the time, also my best friend. We loved each other dearly and twenty-two years later he’s still one of my favorite people in the world.

Inspired by Rebecca, I created this heart out of French knots.

Catalyst 102 – The Good Girl

Catalyst One Hundred and Two is: What was the worst thing you ever did?

I spent quite a lot of time thinking about this one. In the end, besides lying to a good friend years ago (which I already created a catalyst around), I couldn’t think of something big. I’ve done many many small but bad things in my life. I’m sure I’ve hurt people and lied and made them feel bad. But I can honestly say that none of it was maliciously done. I don’t ever try to hurt someone knowingly. I’ve been hurt a lot in my life so I work hard to be a good person and not hurt others.

Catalyst 101 – Sad and Lonely

Catalyst One Hundred and One is: What was your childhood like?

While I had a wonderful family who loved me very much, I was always a shy and lonely kid. I remember feeling lonely and sad. I didn’t have a lot of friends who liked me. I didn’t like them much either but at the time all that seemed to matter was that they didn’t like me. I am guessing that’s why I turned to books. Books were my salvation. All these years later, they still are. Though now, I know that I am happy and know that even as a kid, I had many more happy memories than most people.

Catalyst 100 – My Days

Catalyst One Hundred is: What’s the highlight of your week?

My days are all pretty much the same and I love that. I look forward to so many things each day. Time with my family and time alone and time to read and time to create and even time to work. I am very lucky that I get a little bit of each of these every single day. I don’t think there’s anything more I can ask from life.