When I took Soul Restoration in January, the only homework I didn’t do was to make truth cards. I made one and then somehow just couldn’t get myself to do any more. I kept cutting the truths that spoke to me and keeping them but never did anything with them. Last week, when David said how much he loved my ATC holder with his little photos and art, I just realized I could use my second ATC holder to store my truth cards and this way all of us could use them and look at them when we wanted. We could also easily take them off and keep some with us.
I have a very long list of art journaling ideas I store on a pinterest board. So I decided to combine the two and create ATC versions of the pieces that inspire me so I could use it as an exercise to try different methods and mediums and create some art while making some wonderful cards.
I will share those with you in the next few weeks as I complete them. Four at a time. Almost all of them are replicas of the inspiring originals and I make sure to link to my pinterest entry (which links to the original source as much as I could track it. I wanted to link to pinterest so you could see not only the original source but also whose board i found it on because for me that’s a great way to find other boards to follow on pinterest.)
Here’s the first card [inspiration]

and second card: [inspiration]

and third: [inspiration]

and here’s the fourth: [inspiration]

For now, the backs are just blank, I think once I spray these pieces thoroughly, I might paint the backs with gesso so they are white but i won’t do back to back art. If you have other suggestions for the backs, I am open to them.
And there you go. Wonderful way to use up some of my inspirations and do my homework before the part two of Soul Restoration starts.