Weekly Diary – April 21 2012

here are some great moments from this week:

boys hugging is always the highlight of my day:

i love the look Nathaniel’s giving me here.

We went to the park and the kids had so much fun.

asked me to take photos.

he’s saying “hi mommy” here.

of course he got dad to join in, too.

he also helped the big boy climb high.

and then he had to help the little one, too, of course.

they were so grateful for his help.

While David was at school, Nathaniel discovered some of the toys in his room.

and then watched as David showed him how to use it.

and then he recruited daddy, too.

weather’s been amazing here, and the kids have been playing in the backyard a lot.

the kids love it.

they run around and laugh.

and play ball.

so i had to take photos, of course.

because what’s cuter than kids having fun?

nothing. that’s what.

oh well, maybe kids hugging might be a bit cuter!

I love how Nathaniel’s totally doing his own thing here.

this week’s photos had a long pause where we just all gave each other kisses, it was quite wonderful.

there was much laughter. even by me.

and, of course, tickle time.

and here we go. i hope your week was wonderful, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – April 14 2012

It’s been a rough week, at work, emotionally, and in general. This is not to say it didn’t have its wonderful moments, too. and here are some of those:

It’s a blurry shot but David did this wonderful page:

and I got to take him swimming since Jake was gone.

I loved being there with him.

He loves the water.

i love this shot cause they both laughing.

david read up about this game and then drew it, cut the pieces and created the game.

and then they played it together.

then we took a walk, but of course not before I took some photos and they made funny faces.

I love how Nathaniel’s looking at David to make sure he’s doing it, too.

Since the kids were at home and we couldn’t go away on vacation, we took an afternoon and went to the arcade at the movie theatre.

the kids really loved it. they shared a milkshake.

and played air hockey.

and driving games.

then more air hockey.

I snapped this special moment of brotherly love.

David decided he wanted to play Blokus.

we opened a new box of markers.

And the kids were very happy.

they drew for a long time.

Nathaniel was delighted to discover he could use the white pen on the black paper.

Nathaniel’s crying here cause he wanted to sit on Daddy’s lap.

and tickle time! they attacked daddy.

love tickle time.

and here we go. Here’s to hoping things still keep getting better.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – April 7 2012

I am grateful to say that things are getting better. Slowly but steadily. And I am working hard to get back into my routines, keep my spirits up and move forward. The kids are doing great and so is Jake. I promise I will start writing more detailed weekly updates soon again but for now, keeping it short and sweet and letting the photos speak.

with that, here are some highlights from last week:

Nathaniel really likes me to take photos lately and will tell me to take a picture often.

and then pose for me.

paper airplanes are still big here. Making, coloring, and throwing them.

I love this shot but can’t really explain why.

i love how Nathaniel has to imitate all David does so now he gets his own Wii remote (without batteries) so he can “play” too.

happy face!

of course, he plays with airplanes too!

I was getting my hair done last Sunday night so Jake and David had their own “family night” playing monopoly.

Nathaniel had no school all week and despite a low grade fever all weeklong, he spent a lot of time drawing and then coming over to show me his drawings.

he’s showing me specific colors here. (or trying to.)

the high point of the week was the whoopie cushion Jake brought home.

There was much laughter.

and hours of enjoyment.

Nathaniel is also really picky about what he wears recently. He likes polo shirts with buttons and the pants with zippers and buttons. Nothing but fancy for my boy.

I got David a limited edition Lego Moleskine and he loves writing in it and drawing in it.

Since Jake was leaving town we took family shots early this week and I love getting one of just my boys. (Nathaniel had just woken up from his nap.)

and love tickle-time of course!

I played “What doesn’t kill you” this week a few times and this is what Nathaniel likes to do while he listens. Cracks me up.

David reading his school book. This one was about Alexander Graham Bell. He’s really into nonfiction and science and space lately.

And here’s Nathaniel sticking crayons into an empty thread spool. Yes, they got stuck in there, of course.

The boys colored on Thursday while I worked and Jake was gone. Mommy cannot tolerate noise so we do quieter activities when it’s just me around.

We turned the play table’s top yesterday so the kids could build a city. You can’t really see it here, I have to take another shot.

and just at bedtime, one of David’s top teeth finally fell off. Not the super-crooked one but the other one. Now he has two teeth missing on top and two on the bottom. Very soon the crooked one will fall too and he’ll have almost no front teeth, my boy!

and here we go. Here’s to hoping things still keep getting better.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – March 31 2012

This was my first week back home. I will admit that I am not back into the swing of things yet. Mentally, practically or emotionally. My routine is still out of sorts. And the next two weeks won’t help because the kids have back to back spring breaks. But I am getting slowly better each day and trying to give myself space and time to heal. I also want to say I have gotten so behind in emails and comments that it’s become embarrassing but I just cannot get myself to sit and go through. If you’ve emailed me, I want you to know I deeply appreciate your kind words and please don’t take my lack of response as a lack of care. I am just trying to take some space.

with that, here are some highlights from last week:

For about six minutes, the kids were allowed to play this game where they ran from the other room and fell on the couch. They loved it so much that I had to let them do it but just two times.

here’s the little boy imitating his brother.

David’s front teeth are all crooked because the big ones are coming but the baby teeth are still hanging on. It’s been this way for weeks now.

i love these photos of Jake and Nathaniel reading together.

and laughing.

Jake’s parents were here last weekend and brought David a Thomas puzzle. Which he loved.

And David got Monopoly.

which they sat down to play immediately.

while Nathaniel did and undid his puzzle.

he’s very into noises and makes this each time he hears an unexpected noise.

my beautiful boy.

There was some shooting.

Which came with a lot of noise.

David fell down.

But then rose to shoot right back.

There was also sticker-time.

which Nathaniel loves.

This is his “don’t take my picture” face.

He loves to play with tiny little things and I love how he smiles knowing I am taking his photo but won’t look at me.

but of course he can’t resist.

Then we had some fun with the bowls.

I just love these photos.

he kept telling me to take his picture. I love when he does that.

The boys went to the library with their daddy and checked out a bunch of books. Nathaniel wanted a Star Wars book just for himself.

Here he’s saying “tar wars” (that’s what he calls star wars).

Nathaniel had just woken up when we took our family photos.

he didn’t want to laugh during tickle-time.

but we got him to anyway.

which was the best way to end my week.

and here we go. Here’s to hoping things keep getting better.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – March 24 2012

Alas, another not-so-great week at work. So I will keep this brief. I am hoping things will start getting lighter soon. In the meantime, here are some photos Jake or I took this week and they make me happy. And grateful.

here are some highlights from last week:

Nathaniel playing with David’s Batman computer. He loves that thing.

Over the weekend, both kids got some legos. I loved watching Nathaniel follow instructions and try to put his own together.

he even managed a few things all on his own.

and then called in daddy to help.

David’s front tooth is all crooked because the next ones are coming but this one isn’t ready to fall off just yet.

The best thing I get to see every day. The best.

David had pinkeye on Sunday. Here he is with eye cream on Monday. He was really worried about the cream but it turns out it didn’t hurt (which I told him it wouldn’t but alas he wouldn’t listen.)

love my boy.

this one, too. He loves his new Star Wars pajamas.

he’s so happy.

I feel so grateful that I seem to have such happy kids. I was pouty as a kid.

The boys cleaned up while I was at work, too. Love my boys.

I am the luckiest girl in the whole world. Just to have these three.

Nathaniel just refused to look at the camera. He thought it was funny not to.

And here’s the tickle-time.

and here we go. Like last week, I am extra grateful for my family. I want to hug them tighter and closer. Here’s to hoping things are better next week.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – March 17 2012

When I thought last week was rough, I had no idea how much rougher it was going to get, I guess. This was one of the roughest weeks I remember having. I am still in the middle of the craziness I am afraid so I won’t get into detail. I wasn’t at home much all week so there are few photos this week. Jake took a few to help me, too. I wanted to make sure to get them here because I know some of my family checks it. And, mom and Yona, I know you’ve been worried. I am ok. Just struggling. It will pass. I love you.

And, here are some highlights from last week:

David working on a big art piece.

Nathaniel working on his letters.

more letter-fun.

he really likes standing up on the chairs and it drives me insane cause it scares me a lot.

early last week as I worked like crazy at home, Nathaniel found ways to entertain himself. With food,


watching movies,

and more movies.

here’s one Jake took while I was at work.

and a more serious one.

Nathaniel watching more movies.

They also played with stickers a lot.

and then our family shots today. I like how David’s laughing sneakily here.

and tickle time was the best part of my whole week.

I needed that laughter so much. I am so so grateful.

and here we go. On these tough weeks, I am extra grateful for my family. I want to hug them tighter and closer. Here’s to hoping next week shines some light on my work.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – March 10 2012

This was a rough week for me. Work-wise, emotionally and mentally. But alas, it’s ending really week. My weekend so far is peaceful, kind, and restful. I am deeply grateful for the kindness and laughter of my family. My boys had a good week. They went to school, played at home and laughed a lot. My husband also had a good week. It was productive and mostly quiet for all others but me. Here’s to hoping next week is a little less rough on the edges for me.

And, here are some highlights from last week:

Nathaniel is really good at finding joy in the small things.

And his joy is contagious.

hugging. I love to see them hugging.

chatting with jake’s parents.

more hugging.

i used to love doing this as a kid.

David gave up on waiting for Nathaniel and went ahead of him.

Nathaniel kept going.

until he saw a crack and got scared to step on it.

then we practiced tying shoes. David’s proficient now!

for family night, we made paper airplanes.

which the kids colored the next day.

nathaniel really likes coloring now.

David put some grass seeds in the backyard, as Nathaniel watched.

while he was doing that, I finally buried the letter I’d written to my younger self (part of body restoration class.)

David took a good look around and took his job seriously.

another one of Nathaniel’s creative and joyful moments was when he looked at his legos through the binoculars.

here he is, laughing at me.

and then playing with his legos. making sounds.

writing stories in his mind.

and laughing about them.

the boys posed for me as we setup the family shot today.

Nathaniel told daddy to sit and read to him. So daddy obliged.

all of my boys. I adore them so.

Nathaniel was in a funny mood as we shot the photos. He kept being mischievous.

and tickle time!

see how David’s reaching over to Nathaniel?

and here we go. Another wonderful week gone. So grateful for my family. Here’s to a great week next week!

Weekly Diary is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – March 3 2012

I have to say that this week sort of flew by. It felt mostly like a blur. I was grouchy, busy, tired, but now that it’s over, I feel okay. Things came together, as they always seem to and I feel at peace. I took considerably fewer photos this week than usual. Maybe it’s a testament to the blur of a week it’s been. Alas we all had a good week. David started the week with a stomach bug but he recovered quickly. The kids went to school, I worked, I had an online chat, I met some friends, I did some art. Jake, too, worked, had meetings, met friends. And now it’s the weekend and we’re both ready to rest and play and just enjoy the weekend.

And, here are some highlights from last week:

Nathaniel and Daddy playing.

I love these photos with the huge eyes.

And the mischievous grin.

And the all-out laugh.

He’s just so cute.

and here’s David just grinning so we can be done with the photo.

Nathaniel and Daddy again, writing this time.

Nathaniel spent a lot of time drawing this week while I worked.

another shot of the big boy with the blue eyes.

I love this picture. Just so magical for me somehow. I love how it shows how much his little brother looks up to David and how proud of it David is. maybe you can’t see it here but I see all of it in this weird photo.

I told nathaniel to give me a smile, and I got this.

and this.

and then finally, this.

this photo, for some reason, just made me think he looks so much like me.

Friday was David’s 101st day at school and they celebrated in style.

and when he came home we took family photos.

tickle time was just right this time.

until nathaniel started punching and trying to reach over.

I still had a blast.

just love looking at these photos.

afterwards, David read his library book. I love seeing how much he loves to read.

and Nathaniel drew a bunch more.

and here we go. Another wonderful week gone. So grateful for my family. Here’s to a great week next week!

Weekly Diary is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – February 25 2012

I am quite tired at the moment so I will keep this one short. It was another lovely week in the karenika household. David had no school all week so he was home playing, relaxing, and reading. Nathaniel had school only Wednesday and Friday but didn’t get to go Friday because we all left for a two-day vacation to Tiburon. The kids also went to the dentist this week and we ran errands and worked, of course. But the week ended with our vacation in Tiburon and 75degree weather. It was truly perfect and even though I feel wiped now, it was exactly what I needed to get the grouchiness out of my system. I am so thankful.

And, here are some highlights from last week:

David with his long hair.

Nathaniel watching a movie (with no sound).

The boys built a big “city” all over the living room.

The worked on it for two days straight.

It was really sweet to watch them build it.

here are the beginnings. the parking lot, construction, cars.

then there was a break to do some reading.

and then more city building. this special city has batmobiles.

and here it is finished, traffic jams and all.

here’s another point of view, also shows you the graffiti on the buildings and the helipad.

on his one school-day this week, Nathaniel made a crown and he loves it to bits.

the kids posed for some photos for me.

we took our family shots right before we left.

Nathaniel wasn’t in the mood so daddy tried new tactics.

which seemed to work.

then we left for Tibruon. It was just over the water as I’d wished and the weather was absolutely perfect.

the kids snuggled in bed as we relaxed.

as we walked and sat to overlook the wonderful water, the kids ran.

Raced and laughed.

took a little break.

then some more racing.

which the seven-year-old won of course.

we walked around a lot, watched the birds, pelicans, seals, and had delicious meals.

our hotel was right next to a toy store and a candy store. There was a lot of window shopping.

and some fun coloring.

some last minute sightseeing and we were back on our way home.

and here we go. Another wonderful week gone. So grateful for my family. Here’s to a great week next week!

Weekly Diary is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – February 18 2012

This week just flew by. I am not even sure why. Both David and Nathaniel had Valentine’s Day events. And they both had a good week at school. Nathaniel’s school was already closed on Friday and David’s school is closed all this coming week. So they will get to have a lot of play time this week and I hope that means a lot of photos for me. I worked most of this week. Felt cranky on and off but did some art and journaling. Went to book club and class. Jake had a great week. Got a lot done and we both ended the week in a good mood. Let’s hope for a fun and calm weekend!

Anyhow, here are some highlights from last week:

David working on his book of good memories.

The kids playing on the little, big truck.

Nathaniel was pointing to the letters and reading them to David.

Nathaniel and I made valentines together.

he got to stamp his name and loved it.

they were super-simple.

while we did that, Jake and David were at Alcatraz. As part of David’s birthday request.

Jake tells me he loved the boat.

this photo is actually a few weeks old but Jake just gave it to me and I love it. So cute.

And I adore this one of Nathaniel.

he’s so cute.

especially when he tries to smile.

I snapped a few of David, too.

and then we chatted with cousin Maya who turned three and during the chat David hugged Nathaniel.

I just love these photos.

David’s eyes and skin are so beautiful to me.

Jake surprised me with Valentine’s Day flowers and Nathaniel wanted to touch them.

and smell them (though tulips don’t smell but they are by far my favorite).

then he made funny faces.

while David was at school, Nathaniel colored all of the valentines he got.

I love how he’s sitting on his knees.

he’s into creative forms of sitting lately.

I’ve been having a hard time getting photos of David during the week so I take whatever I can get.

Nathaniel refused to look at the camera during these photos. I love this one cause we’re all laughing even though it’s not tickle time.

and more laughing.

I’m telling nathaniel to look at the camera here and he’s yelling “nooo….”.

and tickle time and David trying hard not to laugh.

after our photos, the kids sat together and colored so I snapped a few more photos.

and here we go. Another wonderful week gone. So grateful for my family. Here’s to a great week next week!

Weekly Diary is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – February 11 2012

Wow, lots and lots of photos this week. Partly cause it was David’s birthday and partly cause there are just too many cute ones. This was a big week for almost all of us. I did a lot at work and got the Beta channel out early. Early in the week, I was on Paperclipping Roundtable. I also went to David’s school on Wednesday (with Jake) for his birthday. And I went back on Friday to volunteer with math time. I also saw the trainer on Friday and am doing my exercises every week day. They’re tough but I am hanging in there. David’s had a wonderful week. He got a ton of legos for his birthday and got to celebrate both here and at school. He also got to see Star Wars #1 in 3d at the theatre with his dad on Friday. He got to play Wii today and got his final lego set (actually there’s more coming from his grandmother in the mail) and tomorrow he gets to go to Alcatraz. A full week for the big boy. Jake had an excellent week at work and he was around a lot, playing with both of the kids. Excellent on both grounds. And Nathaniel was super-excited about David’s birthday. He ate some cake and asked for more all week. He asked about his birthday a lot too (which is not until April). He’s doing great and still having a great time playing. I am so so grateful for this super-productive and super-wonderful week.

Anyhow, here are some highlights from last week:

Nathaniel working on his book.

The kids playing outside with the neighbor’s toys.

they both had a lot of fun.

And wrestling inside.

and sitting together. I love this photo.

cute little boy.

and cute big boy.

my boys hugging!!

watching Star Wars.

Nathaniel loves to make me “shoot” him and then fake dying.

he’s such a little poser.

he also loves to draw.

and often admires his work.

he’s really been playing a lot with legos lately. Building awesome creations.

David’s birthday morning.

he blew those candles with gusto.

had to blow a few times.

but got them all in the end.

and there’s the cupcake, almost ready to be consumed.

David built one of his legos immediately.

He’s showing me the little compartment on the bottom.

then during snack time at school, we went over so we could all celebrate with his class. They sang him happy birthday.

and he blew one more candle.

nathaniel showing me his lego choo-choo.

and making creations.

during photo-time, he decided to shoot everyone.

and no matter what I did, he wouldn’t look at the camera.

look how David’s trying not to laugh during tickle time.

but it doesn’t last long.

and Nathaniel tries to shoot Daddy once more.

while Daddy and David are at the movies, Nathaniel is practicing “running” and asks me to take a picture.

he loves it so much.

and then he looks out the window and shows me the birds.

my super-duper cutie-pie boy.

and here we go. Another wonderful week gone. So grateful for my family. Here’s to a great week next week!

Weekly Diary is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – February 4 2012

I started this week with a weekend in Anaheim and then crazy/insane amount of work so I don’t have a lot of great photos from until after Tuesday. I’ve been mostly working. Nathaniel’s been enjoying school and practicing his letters and numbers. David’s been working at lego projects and Jake’s having an excellent week. His parents are here now so I will keep this short. We’re all grateful for a relatively uneventful weekend and looking forward to the next one.

Anyhow, here are some highlights from last week:

One Daddy snapped while I was out of town.

I love how David’s in the background in this one.

They’ve been building huge towers of legos while I was gone.

Nathaniel really loves building them up.

and he’s been asking me to take his picture.

even digs up my camera for me so I can do it.

David’s been coming home late so I have bad light when it’s time to capture him.

And work’s been insane so Nathaniel’s been entertaining himself a lot.

and laughing a lot. thankfully.

i am grateful he’s easily amused.

he found this old batman computer david had.

it asks questions about letters and numbers. he listens, and then thinks.

and then makes his choice.

he gets really happy when he’s right.

and cheers himself on.

gives himself a round of applause.

and to me too.

and then there’s more cheering. he says “woo, woo” and “Big boy!” It makes me laugh so much. I love seeing it.

another david I tried to snap before light was totally gone.

tickle-time from yesterday.

I still love and adore tickle-time.

Jake’s mom and dad are visiting and the kids love love love having them here.

i love how Nathaniel’s completely immersed in anything David does. The true definition of a younger brother.

and here we go. Another wonderful week gone. So grateful for my family. Here’s to a great week next week!

Weekly Diary is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.