Weekly Diary – September 1 2012

This week’s all about the few days we spent in Santa Cruz. Our short vacation was absolutely blissful. Here are some snapshots from our week:

Watching the seals.

and trying to smile at mommy at the same time.

the older one was more interested in the seals than mommy’s camera.

well they both loved them. so did i.

i still snapped a few of the boys while we were outside.

we went hiking together.

there was piggyback-riding.

which David loved.

the path had a little stream in the middle so we had to get creative.

Jake made sure the little one made it over easily as I snapped photos.

they just had a blast (even despite the whining).

we even found the awesome banana slug.

then we went to the boardwalk.

which both kids loved.

and then more hiking.

nathaniel ran from tree to tree to make sure he could find them in order.

there was bickering.

and mom-encouraged hugging to make up.

some resting and posing for photos.

a close up of the joy of my life.

especially when he smiles at me.

and the other joy, too, of course.

and next thing you know vacation was over and we were home taking family shots.

it was so nice and relaxing (until we came home and i mistakenly checked my work-email).

and we ended the week’s photos with tickle-time of course.

and here we go. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

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