Stronger Than Before – 20


Weekly Intention: As you read this, I’m flying to Tokyo. I will arrive pretty late Monday and spend three and half days there and come back from Friday before David gets back from his trip, hopefully. David will be Yosemite the whole week, back country backpacking with his class. He’s not thrilled but I know it will be an adventure he won’t forget. I arranged my flight so I can be back before he is. So Nathaniel and Jake will be together just the two of them this week and I will be with my new team in Tokyo. I haven’t been to Tokyo since 1999. Back then, I spent six months there working for Goldman Sachs which is in fact in the same exact building Google is in so it will be interesting to go to the exact same spot where I was and see how much I remember, see how much has changed, see how I feel this time. I am nervous and excited and honestly so tired that a little unable to feel much. I have been studying some of my Japanese (which I used to be able to speak so much better 20 years ago) and mentally preparing myself for food I know I don’t like. So, anyway, here’s my intention for this week: I want to really be present with the people I am there with. I have some work I feel like I need to do while I am there but outside of that, I want to really focus on getting closer to the teams there and have the very best time I can. I want to be kind, generous, open. 

This month’s intention is:  Quietly Strong: How can you bring more calm into this month? May is chaotic with lots of endings and transitions. Celebrate but also stay calm. Stay grounded. What will help here? How can I show up as my best self?

One way I will stretch this week:  Being in Tokyo will stretch me plenty.

One boundary I will set this week: I will make sure to go to sleep as early as possible on each of the nights. I know I will need my rest.

This week, I will focus on pleasing: my new manager+team.

One new thing I will learn this week: still Japanese. 

One area where I will go deeper this week: the work my new team is planning to discuss. 

What do I need to sit with this week? the overwhelm i seem to be feeling. 

I am looking forward to: alone time on the plane, seeing tokyo again.

This week’s challenges: jetlag+a lot of socializing

Top Goals: 

  • Work:  a successful tokyo summit + get pm summit in a good place
  • Personal: do tabata, journal, eat well, rest.
  • Family: come home and hug the kids super tight, support jake remotely as much as i can, chat daily

I will focus on my values:

  • Love: self care and self love in all the down moments this week
  • Learn: japanese, more about each team member
  • Peace: peace with being away again
  • Service: to the new team.
  • Gratitude: to getting to go to tokyo again after all these years

This week, I want to remember: that i am doing a good job, there are phases in life and this is the one i am in at this moment.

Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

1 comment to Stronger Than Before – 20

  • CarrieH

    What an amazing life you have. Traveling for work is tough, but I like that you try to embrace the challenges even though you are away from your family. I also love your pictures from far away places and that you take the time to enjoy where you are at the time. What a gift to see the world. Thanks for sharing.

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