Daily Diary – June 19 2010

Great, wonderful day today. I felt happy so much of today. Little boy woke up super early but I hugged and nursed him and did some art while he played and then David joined us, too. Then we all ate and Nathaniel played some more and went down for his nap. I finished my book while David started his Wii day.

After Nathaniel woke up, he kept walking up to David and wanting to be with him. David was really gracious despite the interruption to his game. He hugged him back.

And then made funny and angry (which Nathaniel thinks is also funny) faces.

And made him laugh and laugh.

After a while, he decided to finally play alone but of course right in front of the TV. David didn’t even say a word.

He just kept playing.

I did some art, some reading, some more art. I even went to Ikea and I have a few more things tonight before I go to bed. Still feeling good, thankfully. Hope you are, too.

Note to Self:
I’ve just finished The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. A lot more coming about the book but I am also thinking maybe I will do a happiness project, too. I was originally thinking I will start in 2011 but now I am thinking maybe I should just start in July. Why put it off? There’s a good six months left in this year. Why waste them? Not sure yet. Still thinking about it….

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. This morning, while Nathaniel was napping, David snuggled up right next to me and played Wii while he was sitting next to me and I was reading. It was truly wonderful for me. I love having him next to me. I am so grateful for that.
2. I am grateful for Nathaniel’s smiles. He’s such a sweet boy. He walks around, and then comes up to me and when my eyes meet his, he always breaks into a smile. I love that!
3. I am grateful to have completed two things I’ve been wanting to do for a long time. They were both things I wanted to do but I was putting them off. Grateful to have them crossed off.

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Daddy.
2. playing Wii.

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