Daily Diary – October 8 2010

For the last few days, I’ve been feeling more and more exhausted. Where lifting my arms has become an effort. I am also shivering and my head hurts. So it’s possible that I am getting sick. Not idea. It’s also meant that I am low on productivity and energy in general. I’ve been exercising and doing my art journal and then just letting everything else go. I’ve been going to bed at 8:30-9pm hoping to catch up on sleep to see if that will fix things. I am guessing it’s the extra exercise that’s making me tired but who knows.

When David’s at school, Nathaniel quietly goes through all of his things. Unless he’s destructive, I don’t meddle.

Today he discovered this sheet of star stickers I was using with David. And then stuck them all over himself.

And when I called him, he gave me this look, of course.

He also signed more for the first time. Did it perfectly. Flower, more, food, bye, thank you. all the ones I’ve tried to teach him, he’s learned. But no spoken words yet.

After I picked up David, I was so tired, nauseous and sick that I decided we needed to go out. So we went to a cafe and had some snacks and then did some shopping at Trader Joe’s. Now we have lots of fruit. I am always happiest when we have lots of fruit at home. When we got back, they played outside a bit while Jake and I chatted and I rested.

And now they’re asleep and I plan to snuggle up with Jake and then read some and head to bed. Plans for this weekend include some scrappy time, art journals, walking, writing BPC courses, and reading. I get to have some pampering time at the hair dresser, too. Small things. That’s what life is all about.

I changed my header today. Felt like it. I love this butterfly. It goes with my word for 2011 too. And I’ve been asked by several people if they can subscribe to my blog by email and now you can. If you look on the right, there’s a place for you to put your email. It will email you my new posts when I post them.

i was thinking maybe next year I’ll do monthly newsletters with some inspiring content. would that be interesting?

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am thankful that i have no big obligations and no impending deadlines. I need rest and I can get it.
2. I am grateful that my family is so amazing. so kind, so sweet. i am so so so blessed and i don’t want to forget it for a minute.
3. I am so grateful that I’ve walked 7 days in a row. I didn’t feel like doing it any of the days. And yet I did it. I got out there. I tried. I worked. One day at a time.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. coloring at apple at school
2. helping avi and the teacher with a coin puzzle
3. playing a dice game at school

3 comments to Daily Diary – October 8 2010

  • Kim

    I love your new banner. Love those inky frames you give your photos. I notice that when I start an exercise regime I usually get sick just a couple of weeks into it and I beat myself up wondering why it happens when I’m trying to take care of myself. We are crazy human beings. And I would definitely sign up for a newletter if you wrote one, I look forward to hearing your thoughts in your daily diary, see how your “yesterdays” went and of course I have benefited greatly from your technical assistance. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

  • Meggie

    I love your blog and have been reading since the BIF its great. I too am a walker and enjoy it but like walking with either my son or husband. They both enjoy it too especially our son. Its a special time together. Take it easy when your sick I’ve learned I have to do that and then I get well faster.
    Your blog has inspired me to keep at the scrapbooking and I want to try other things too like the art journals and December Daily.

  • Lesley

    The new banner is so cool!!! Especially the colour!!

    Sorry to hear you are still not feeling well again. Take as much rest as you are able to!

    I too would definitely sign up for a newsletter if you wrote one

    Please Karen, take care and still wishing you wellness

    Lesley xx

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