Daily Diary – October 13 2010

I spent most of today working on my February class with BPC. I have two coming up back to back and the due dates are fast approaching so I’ve been working on the content. I love doing it but it also uses a lot of my energy. It’s been nice to have two days off work so I can focus on it but tomorrow’s back to work and I have a lot on my plate.

Here’s Nathaniel making one of his many many faces.

And David looking out the window. I am not sure if he knew I was taking this photo.

The kids have been playing on their own a lot. The room is very tidy today and that always seems to rub Nathaniel the wrong way.

And David’s been coloring up a storm.

Tonight I have book club here. I haven’t gotten all the items on my list done for today yet so I am a bit stressed but I am trying to stay optimistic. It will all work out. It always does, doesn’t it?

I am still full of thoughts. Still walking. 12 days in a row. I walked only 1 mile today but I told myself it’s better than nothing. I am still overwhelmed a bit but for the most part I am getting organized. Looking at the list is a bit overwhelming. I’ve been listening to 7Habits of Effective people as I walk. I have a lot of interesting thoughts that are coming out of it. I need to organize myself so I can think. And write.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got a big task off my list today. It took me way longer than I’d hoped but it’s now finished. Thankfully.
2. I am grateful for book club tonight. Always good conversation and this time I don’t even have to drive.
3. I am grateful for the cleaning lady who has managed to make my house look spotless. She’s so so amazing.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. celebrating maggie’s birthday
2. creating my batman story (he’s coloring a story)
3. making my V puppet at school (vampire bat)

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