Daily Diary – October 27 2010

Well, it was coming. No matter how much I tried to avoid it, I was unavoidable that I got sick, too. So now all three of us are sick in varying degrees. I spent every moment of today lying down and praying the pain in my head and jaw would go away. I know this splint is for my TMJ but man it hurts my gums and teeth and even jaw so much. I took care of Nathaniel and worked a bit but for the most part, I was completely useless. Especially since Nathaniel’s up at 3am for four nights in a row now, too. Thankfully David was at school and neither of the kids has fevers. When we picked David up, he went right to working on his workbooks.

He loves them so much. The little one was a bit more rested after his nap and played a bit and visited me.

I then put a few cartoons on and they both climbed on the couch near me. I love snuggling up with them and smelling them. If it takes cartoons, so be it.

I love that Nathaniel was sitting between David and me and kept giving David impromptu hugs. He’s so so cute. and so loving.

The kids went to bed, I worked on my art journal, and now i am lying on the couch again. Cold, tired, in pain. Ugh. Here’s to a better tomorrow.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that neither of the kids have a fever. Nor do I. This could be much worse.
2. I am grateful that Jake and Nathaniel went out to dinner together tonight 1-1 and also bought another halloween costume. Yey for daddy-son dates.
3. I am grateful that I found a replacement for my volunteering tomorrow. I’m in no state to go to David’s school, especially since I will be there Friday. Here’s to feeling much better by then.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. watching giants on daddy’s iphone
2. having dinner with daddy
3. making my peek-a-boo thing at school

3 comments to Daily Diary – October 27 2010

  • Kim

    It seems to be unavoidable – having young kids = plenty of colds and being sick, especially at this time of year when they start school. I am happy to say we seem to be having an easier year of it. The last two years we have been having seasonal adjustments of acupuncture. Riley goes every six weeks from August through April, I go every three months. I think it has done wonders, we still get sick but with much less frequency and intensity. It’s been worth every penny and the acupuncturist uses infrared light instead of needles on Riley. in our house when someone is sick the tv is on ALOT! I hope everyone feels better for the trick or treating.

  • Snuggles are the best cure and I love smelling my kids…LOVE. IT.

    As for DD downloads, I am really going a la Ali this year, bought her digital page downloads, but doing it hybrid. Not doing too much individual page creations like last year. So maybe some designs that could be printed out onto vellum or transparencies? If you were able to find something like old songbook pages, that would be way too cool!

  • Pat P

    Hi Karen,

    Did they warn you that the TMJ splint would hurt that much? Honestly that doesn’t sound right. Maybe you should give them a call just to be sure that what you are experiencing is what they expected. Feel better, OK?

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