Daily Diary – November 2 2010

I worked very very hard to become an American citizen so I never take the privilege of voting for granted. Never.

Today started around 3am when Nathaniel decided it was morning time. Then there was early morning naps which lead into the whole day feeling out of whack. As I worked, he played with everything and piled on whatever he could find. But he was really good for the most part.

And then my work went into a speedy downfall which started swallowing me up inside it. And from that point on it was chaos chaos and more chaos. It wasn’t until 5:30 that I remembered I hadn’t snapped a photo. So I quickly grabbed one of David.

And one of Nathaniel with all the food on this mouth. He was really whiny by this point. Exhausted and wiped from the super-early nap.

He’s still sick, too. And so am I. I am hoping we’ll recover sooner than later. Because the day was such a mess, I have a ton of emails, comments, and other todo list items piled up on my todo list. I also have my layout from this morning still sitting on my desk, unfinished. Which means I have to tackle those next.

I am also avidly watching CNN. Election nights are always my favorite to watch and really the only news I watch these days. No Glee tonight so more reason to stick to CNN.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that after all the chaos and stress, the build did go live and so I can now relax a bit.
2. I am grateful that I exercised. I will be grateful for that every day for a while. Lost one more pound, too.
3. I am thankful that I get to vote. I don’t take nearly as much time to appreciate the fact that I am American. This was a lifelong goal for me. It’s something I am deeply thankful for. Deeply. Democrat. Republican. Recession. or not. I am so grateful to be in this country. This is where I belong.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. drawing
2. sitting next to maggie on the bus
3. mommy

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