Daily Diary – November 8 2010

This was the fifth day in a row that Nathaniel woke up at 3am, feeling wide awake and unable to go back to sleep. I am tired, worn out and about to keel over. I tried so hard to get him to go back to sleep. I took him in my own bed even and rubbed his back but nothing. So we got up. And thus started our day.

Which meant I was operating on low batteries all day long. I did take a short nap but it didn’t make up for the lack of proper sleep. I made a list of all the things I do every single day now and it’s getting pretty big:

1. full time job
2. meals for both kids, taking care of kids, driving david back and forth to school bus, changing a million diapers, playing with both kids
3. a layout
4. exercise for 1-2 miles, mostly running now
5. take photos of kids
6. process photos, pick good ones, edit etc.
7. write this blog post
8. most days i also write at least one more blog post. either for here or for weekly gratitude or creative therapy etc.
9. add to that bedtime, hubby time, email, reading my book, etc etc.

These are things I do every single day. It gets tiring. Especially when I wake up at 3am. So today I wasn’t so great at taking photos. I got this from David who did not want to be interrupted.

But Nathaniel smiled at me.

I am off to do more work so I can take off for my book club. More tomorrow.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I took the time to exercise. I really really didn’t feel like it but I did it anyway.
2. I am grateful that for book club tonight. Look forward to seeing good friends.
3. I am thankful that Jake came home early tonight. I really appreciate it so much when he helps with everything so much. He’s amazing.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. that daddy came home early
2. watching calliou
3. checking out a star wars book from the library

1 comment to Daily Diary – November 8 2010

  • Diane

    Karen, as a fellow mother and professional, I know how hard it is to do all the things we do everyday. Seeing it all in a list like that makes it even more overwhelming and I’m sure if you thought about it for another 3 minutes you could come up with more. (like laundry, cleaning house between ‘cleanings’ and on and on)
    I wanted to let you know how much I admire you for making picture taking of your everyday life a priority. I especially love the photos of Nathaniel crying. My DH would NEVER have allowed me to photograph my kids in turmoil, but you know what? It’s perfect. It’s everyday. And it’s your family. Right now.
    Enjoy your time with your sister and family in NYC next week – and take LOTS of pictures!

    p.s. I live just outside NYC. please please please do a thorough search for bedbugs. Also, if you go to a show, strip and wash your clothes as soon as you get back and then shower yourself. really.

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