Daily Diary – November 15 2010

I woke up this morning and I was feeling really terrible. My headache had exploded overnight and it took more than three advils to make it go away. I had to lie on the couch for several hours before I could even get up. I was so upset that I would be too tired and sick to function and I just decided to give myself the day off. I slept, napped, relaxed and just didn’t do anything. If I get sick, everything will fall through so I might as well take one day and heal.

My sister sent Nathaniel some stuffed animals. Which he inspected closely.

And then grabbed all at the same time.

David got some toys, too. You’ll see them in his gratitude section.

And I snapped one more of the little boy who has a boo boo on his chin. (and he’s suffering a bad tummy which also caused diaper rash. Not to mention the MMR and chicken pox shots he’ll be getting tomorrow 🙁 ).

In the afternoon I felt much better, thankfully. I had David’s parent-teacher conference. He’s doing great. On target on everything and socially doing great, too. Knock on wood. Now that the kids are sleeping, I have a list of 20 items and I am still feeling far from 100% so I am going to go slow and try to finish as much as I can. It will all work out eventually. As it always does.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I am back home and getting back into my routine. I am a person of routine and as much as I loved being with my sister, home is the best place for me.
2. I am grateful that the weekend went well and I didn’t freak out. It was my first time leaving Nathaniel and I am so glad it went so smoothly.
3. I am thankful that David’s doing well at school and thriving. I wasn’t (and still am not) sure about public school but it’s going great so far. knock on wood.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1.getting the math toy – yona sent him a match quiz toy
2. playing tic tac toe – also a toy yona sent him
3. writing in my journal at school (he wrote about how happy he was to play wii)

2 comments to Daily Diary – November 15 2010

  • I HATE headaches! I always measure mine by how much Advil it takes to make them go away…my last was a six advil headache! I find that if I have one creeping up in the evening, if I take two Tylenol PMs, they’ll take care of it and get it under control before morning. (It might just be the uninterrupted sleep that helps, too!)

    Hope you’re feeling better!

  • Pat P

    Hi Karen,

    I’m so glad you had a nice trip and a good visit with your sister. It sounds like it was a good weekend for your entire family. I hope you feel better soon. I think just travelling can wear you out. Many of the people I work with travel extensively, and I don’t know how they do it! Glad you are home safe and sound though.

    Have a great day!

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