Daily Diary – November 20 2010

I ended up staying up much later than usual last night so I woke up all tired this morning, which meant I just relaxed and enjoyed my morning with the kids and with checking email and blogs. While I was on the computer, the kids put the pillows on the floor and fell on them and laughed. Watching them laugh gave me endless joy.

Then they started playing legos.

Nathaniel would give the pieces to David and he would put them together. It was amazing to watch and they were so so cute, I almost cried. Nathaniel even got up and hugged him.

Because I missed it, I tried to get him to do it again so David helped me out. But Nathaniel wasn’t biting.

So David just hugged him anyway.

Then he started playing Wii and Nathaniel played by himself. Fully content and happy. (Look at the way his legs are sitting. Yikes.)

It’s been pouring rain here so when Nathaniel heard it, he rushed to the back window and watched it all come down. He was really excited and confused at the same time.

David took a lot of breaks today. He just didn’t feel like playing Wii if you ask me. Another example that if I just let him do it, he will get sick of it and do other things. He colored, played, and then found a Sudoku book so we did it together and he colored it.

We did a lot of cleaning up today. Went through all of David’s stuff in the living room and my piles all over. I am sure it will all accumulate again but for now it’s so much cleaner and so much less overwhelming and I have so much more room to put more scrapping stuff. I also did a big crafty projects I’d been thinking of for a few days. It turned out quite neat, but took hours and hours. I have no patience as I find out again and again. So the plans for tomorrow are to keep things simple. And play with the kids for hours. Cause really there’s nothing else I’d rather do.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we cleaned up so much. I feel lighter and more librated.
2. I am grateful that despite the relaxing day, I finished a big task (well, 90% finished) that was on my list.
3. I am grateful for my kids and my husband and my sister and my nephews and my parents. I just feel so loved and so grateful. I often worry that I do not have those close friends I seem to think I need but I have such an amazing, loving, supportive family and I am so deeply grateful for all of their kindess, company, love and kindness.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. coloring. {* his pick for the journal}
2. playing wii.
3. doing sudoku with mommy

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