Daily Diary – November 21 2010

I had big plans for today. I’ll admit it, most of my major to-do list items for the rest of they year are completed. And yet, I’ve been creating a bit of work for myself. Which is stupid. I know this and yet I can’t seem to stop myself. So I had a full plate for today, all of which went out the window when Nathaniel decided that 3am was a perfect time to wake up for the day. We’re on something like day twenty without a normal night of sleep. We had bad tummy, teeth, time change, drippy nose, etc, etc. Many excuses to wake up all over the place. But I am officially worn out. (Actually I was like a week ago.) and I need to find a way to work with him so he goes back to sleeping relatively normal hours.

Anyway, so I got up at 3am tried to get him to go back to sleep but there was a lot of yelling. He doesn’t cry, just screams. REALLY loudly. I then took him in my bed but to no avail. Around 4-4:30, I just gave up. And thus began our day.

I figured it meant nothing was going to get done today, so I actually got to work right away. I did some of the mindless work I had left from last night and then I did a bit more after David woke up and I fed the kids, etc. Despite the early wake up, Nathaniel was in good humors.

After I put the little boy down, I took a little nap on the couch while David colored. Then he played on his Didj for a while and talked about how good he is at it.

Here’s the “just take the photo so I can move on, Mommy” look.

And here’s a spunky one from Nathaniel.

And one more.

After lunch, I finally felt ok enough to do the treadmill. I’ve been taking it slow. My knee is still in pain so I am walking just one mile everyday. Which is definitely effecting my stamina because I was barely able to do it today. Then again, it could be getting only 3.5 hours of sleep. Anyway, I am still doing it even if a little.

The rest of the day was more craftiness, hugging and watching TV and just lying around, enjoying a quiet Sunday. I did end up accomplishing most of my to-do list and I even backed up my computer which is always a good good thing. Here’s to hoping the little boy actually sleeps past 5am tomorrow.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that Jake comes home tonight. Our life just doesn’t feel complete without him.
2. I am grateful that this is a short week at work. They tend to make me super-productive and I am hoping this one will not be an exception.
3. I am grateful for my aching muscles. While i don’t like the pain, they are a sign of the fact that I am still working out and working on becoming healthier. So they can ache as much as they want.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. watching sprout. {* his pick for the journal}
2. playing with my didj.
3. playing with my legos.

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