Daily Diary – November 29 2010

After two weeks of semi-holidays, half-days, weird schedules it was odd to have a normal schedule of David going to school and me working all day. But it was also wonderful. I remembered how much I’ve come to cherish the quiet time and the ability to think and organize my day. I worked while Nathaniel played quietly.

And a little “not quietly” too.

While he napped, I worked out and worked some more. And relaxed a tiny bit. I am still organizing my days and my 2011 plans. Especially since December is coming in one more day.

We then went to get David and I snapped one photo of him, too.

I also spent a bit of time redoing some of the blog. There will be some more changes but I wanted to mention two things. One is that you can now subscribe to a specific RSS feed if you like. So if you only want to get my scrapbooking posts, you can subscribe just to that. Look left for the links and leave a comment if you can’t find them. Two, I did the same thing for my email subscriptions so if you’re subbed to my posts by email, you can choose the categories you want. It’s a tiny bit more complicated there but you can. Just click on the link that comes in the email and it will take you to a screen where you can adjust them.

Let me know if this makes no sense 🙂

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got more art for my scrappy space. I love happy art, especially by artists i love and admire. today’s art was by Donna Downey.
2. I am grateful that I have a guest post at shutter sisters today. I love guesting there and reading all the comments.
3. I am grateful that the cleaning lady came and that we got the gutters cleaned. I hate arranging all that but I love having it done.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. having my teacher read the gingerbread man book to us {* his pick for the journal}
2. checking out a book from the library (berenstain bears)
3. being selected as star of the day for school tomorrow

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