Daily Diary – December 11 2010

A LOT of photos today. A Lot! It appears these things go in waves. I just wanted them all so I couldn’t decide which ones to get rid of. In the morning, there was a lot of hugging. I love that even though he’s engrossed in his Wii, David still hugs him back and doesn’t ignore him or yell at him.

After the hug was done, Nathaniel signed “finished.” He loves signing that.

He also loves yelling and making loud noises and does them both often much to my dismay.

He’s just figured out how to sit up on the chair and loves to do it. Then yells “mama!” so I can see him up on the chair.

At 3pm, we all got in the car and drove down to Gilroy Gardens so we could see the magical lights. If you’re an old reader you might remember last year’s adventure at the park where I almost broke my nose and we had to go to the emergency room. This year, I was very careful but most importantly, it wasn’t raining. In fact it was the first time we were there ever with clear skies. And we arrived well before sunset which was wonderful cause it meant I could get some photos.

Like these of my wonderful kids.

This was the shot I wanted to take last year before I kissed the floor.

And this. See how I am in the photos more? I told you I was going to do it!

Since we’d never been there during daylight before, I wanted to take photos of the trees that make Gilroy Gardens famous. Like this one.

And this one. Isn’t it amazing that they are grown this way and not carved?

David then got to go on his first ride. Which he loved, of course.

While Nathaniel watched.

Then we stopped to eat some quick dinner. After that, we took the train and got to see the whole park. As we passed through dark and lit up tunnels, David kept shouting “awesome! awesome! awesome!” with so much jubilation that I got choked up. Those two minutes or so were worth everything to me. After the train, we went on the carousel. I love the carousel. And so does David.

I took a mirror shot. More photos with me in them!

Jake and Nathaniel sat in a couch/seat thing in front of us.

Jake and David went on race cars after that and David did a few more rides. As the final event of the night, David wanted to this water-gun-racing thing. Jake helped him.

And of course they won.

On the way out, David walked into this “little elf” hut. I know this is a imperfect photo but I love the way he looks sitting at the table so small like that. He’s so cute.

As the final act of the night, I followed through on my promise to get him a light saber. It was the first thing he asked for when we walked in and I told him we’d get one on the way out so we didn’t have to carry it the whole night. He picked a green one, of course.

Jake then drove us home safely and the kids went to bed (Nathaniel actually fell asleep in the car and didn’t even wake up when Jake carried him up to his room.) Jake and I snuggled up together and watched the first half of Eclipse. And now I am off to bed. Another magical, wonderful day when all I can think of is how grateful I am. How very blessed. I love this season so much.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we went to Gilroy Gardens. Before we left, I was grouchy, I hadn’t accomplished anything, my exercise went poorly and I wasn’t sure I wanted to go, but Jake encouraged me and we went. I am so so so glad we did. It was by far our best time in Gilroy Gardens ever.
2. I am grateful that I have another weekend day. I feel so relaxed and happy and I love to extend this feeling. I have a bunch more days off next week but not Monday. I have work and possibly a stressful day on Monday so I am grateful for tomorrow.
3. I am grateful that I get to play with more scrapbooking stuff tomorrow and maybe even get to work on some of my 2011 projects. And I get to do crafts with David. Yey!

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. getting a light saber {* his pick for the journal}
2. going to Gilroy Gardens
3. playing wii

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