Daily Diary – December 14 2010

As you can glean from the previous post I’m still cranky today. And yet I’ve had wonderful moments today, too. I love Nathaniel.

Especially his sense of humor. (the cut on his eyelid is from the computer he dropped yesterday.)

And I love David and how much he loves to read.

And how interested Nathaniel is in his brother. How much they love each other. Nathaniel gives him like a million hugs a day.

I love that despite my inexplicable grouchiness they are perfect, wonderful, kind, generous and loving. To me and each other. I love that my husband is so kind with me. HE helped me accomplish two huge tasks today. I am so thankful for the kindness of friends. I am just feeling full of bliss and joy amidst the grouchiness. And I am holding on to that feeling as hard as I can.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got tickets for CHA! I am going alone this time. Thank you Yona for showing me it’s ok to travel without my family. That I can survive it and so can they. Let’s hope it’s true in January too. So grateful for the kindness of Caroline. And that everything came together so smoothly. Knock on wood.
2. I am grateful that Christmas presents are done! Ok I still have Jake but the rest are done done done.
3. I learned something new at work today. I love learning new things. I love doing them however small. I am grateful for the help of coworkers so I could learn and grow.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. getting a piece of chocolate at school (Hannukah geld) {* his pick for the journal}
2. playing a game in PE class
3. reading my library book

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