
Several months ago, California was planning on using the electronic voting machines so there was a big push to get people to vote absentee so that there could be a paper trail. That’s when Jake signed up and so a few weeks ago we got his ballot.

Four years ago, when he went to vote in New York City, I went with him. That was the year I first became obsessed with elections and I was dying to vote. I asked the people at the voting center if I could go look into the booth. I wasn’t planning on doing anything funny, I just wanted to see what a ballot looked like. I wanted to feel like I was part of the experience even though I knew I wasn’t. The people wouldn’t let me into the booth. They said I could wait outside until Jake was done, which was pretty quick. By the time we got home, I was still bummed about not knowing how it looked. Thanks to the insanity that year, I did get to see many photos of the Florida ballot, but it just wasn’t the same.

This year, Jake let me do some research on some of the local Propositions and local seats that are up for election. I spent part of my morning reading about the candidates and the Props. We then sat down and talked about each of them and I told him what I thought and why and he listened and sometimes agreed and sometimes disagreed. And then he went off and filled his ballot.

Even though I didn’t get to vote this year either, I did get to see a real ballot up close and personal. I got to read about the issues in much more depth and I felt more like a part of the process than ever before. I know many people are too cynical or too lazy to vote but I really believe it’s important to vote. Even if you think your vote counts. Even if you don’t like any of the candidates (write your own name in for all I care). I respect the fact that you may think otherwise and choose not to vote. I think it’s a huge shame but I respect it.

If all goes well, I will get to vote in the 2008 elections and I cannot tell you how excited that makes me feel. To everyone who’s voted or voting on Tuesday, thank you for making a difference, even if it’s supporting the candidate I don’t want, I am glad you’re out there.

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