Daily Diary – December 18 2010

We’ve tried to go to Fairyland for three years. Each year, something came up and we were unable to make it there during the holidays. We were originally supposed to go yesterday but it was pouring rain.

So when we woke up this morning and it wasn’t raining, we decided to give it a try. Since it was David’s wii-day, he whined about leaving home but then when we got there, he was suddenly happy (shocking, I know!)

We walked around a bit. Everything was wet and most of the rides were closed. But it was still neat to be there.

All the rides were kid-sized. Which I loved. David got on the ferris wheel. And we all watched.

Nathaniel thought it was awesome.

He couldn’t stop smiling.

then we went to the puppet show of Cinderella. It was actually quite good.

Nathaniel loved it, too.

David was totally engrossed.

I love snapping photos of the kids while they are looking elsewhere. It makes me feel like I am taking a snapshot of their souls.

then we went to the magic show and David was a volunteer for a bit. He has fun in the beginning but I think he got more and more uncomfortable.

by the time that was done, rain was pouring down again and it was time to go home. David rode the ferris wheel one more time and we headed back home.

By the time we got home, it was time for dinner and gratitude journal, etc. Now the kids are off to bed and I am tired all over. My todo list beckons but first I get to rest. And possibly read my book. I’m reading the third book in the dragon tattoo series and it’s way to interesting so I don’t want to do anything else.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we finally got to go to Fairyland. It was one of those things I wanted to do for a few years.
2. I am grateful that most of my todo list items are done. I feel like I might actually get to relax for a week or two.
3. I am grateful that i got the fitbit! I’ve waiting for it for months.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. grateful that we went to fairyland {* his pick for the journal}
2. riding the ferris wheel in fairyland
3. playing wii

6 comments to Daily Diary – December 18 2010

  • Looks like a great place to go.

    I’m reading the third book as well. Just having problems finding the time TO read it. 🙁

  • Kelly

    The little moments I take each day to peer into your life give me so much joy. over the past year I have grown to love your sweet little family and I am grateful for your openness. You don’t know me. But you inspire me to love my family greater and to treat myself more kindly. And your artwork! I love it and it too has inspired me. I am more creative. I am choosing my word for 2011… I am going with enrich. You enrich my life daily. My goal for the year is to enrich somebody each day. Maybe even myself. Happy holidays Karen. Thank you!

    • karenika

      Kelly, thank you so so so much for your kind words. They made me feel so thankful and grateful today. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Just knowing that you’re here reading makes me happy.

  • Jesa


    I came upon your blog because of the overlays that were featured sometime ago. Then I discovered you were part of BPS team and followed your blog daily. I love reading your blog and taking a peak into your life and your craft. Not only are you an inspiration, but your simplistic style of documentation is a breath of fresh air.

    I very much enjoy your photography, writing, activities you do with your family, scrapbooking and other crafts you have explored. Thank you also for sharing some places your family visits. I live in the area and you have introduced me to some places to share with my own family as well. I have been in the area only a few years and it is always nice to discover new places. Thank you again! Looking forward in continuing to read future blog post. : )

  • yine harika bir yere gidip ozendirdin 🙂
    sayende cocuklarimla polar express filmini seyrettik bayildilar, thanx thanx…
    happy new year karenika…

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