A Book a Week – Flying Lessons

I’m a huge Kelly Rae Roberts fan. Not only do I love her art but I also love her words, her spirit and the way she shares herself so much. I’ve never met her in person but she comes off like a kind, generous soul who is full of life. When she taught a class last year, I was too busy and knew I wouldn’t be able to dedicate my time to it. Not to mention I had no intention of starting a creative business.

The class came and went and I was a little sad but overall I knew I wasn’t the audience for it.

But then she went off and created an ebook called Flying Lessons. All about how to make your creative business dreams soar. I really really really wanted to get it.

Except I had no creative business dreams.

I did have some creative dreams but none that I planned to start a business around. So I couldn’t justify the cost of this book.

But I couldn’t stop thinking about it anyway.

So I asked for it for Christmas. And my dad was kind enough to get it for me. I read it cover to cover and I plan to read it a few more times. I still don’t have creative dreams but I love reading Kelly Rae’s words. I think she’s wise, talented, hard working and fully obsessed with art. In the most beautiful way. I can completely see why she’s so successful. And she totally deserves all of it. And more.

If you happen to have any creative business dreams (especially arts and crafts related and/or ones that might involve etsy, licensing etc.) this book is very very worthwhile. It’s detailed, inspirational and very specific.

I loved reading it.

And who knows maybe next year I will have creative business ambitions….

2 comments to A Book a Week – Flying Lessons

  • janel

    I have no dreams of starting a business etc. but I too got the book for Christmas and just love it. I adore her soul, her genuine peace and kind attitude, and enjoy every morsel of wisdom that she shares. It is amazing to me that you “young moms” are so full of wisdom and goodness that I often associate with women that have lived many many years.

    • karenika

      i cannot believe you would put “you” when referring to me and Kelly Rae in the same sentence ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ I look up to her and love her genuine-ness as well ๐Ÿ™‚

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