Daily Diary – December 20 2010

No no no no. We’re into the twenties of the month. Means there are too few days until 2011 is here. But I need more rest time. Rest and recuperate! Oh well…

Above is a sneak from a painting I made last night. I have so many issues when it comes to painting. So many conversations in my head, inadequacies. I don’t know how to quiet them down.

Today was a “work very hard” day so I worked worked worked while the kids played. They are so good at playing thankfully.

David’s playing on the computer. He’s an amazing reader and writer now. Truly amazing.

Despite the work, I am still exercising. My fitbit came on Sunday and I’ve been wearing it nonstop. It’s pretty depressing though. I’ve only walked 6746 steps today. Not much at all. Ugh.

Here’s Nathaniel imitating David since both he and Mommy are on the computer, Nathaniel wanted to be, too.

He then hugged David several times and came to check in on me too.

and I will leave you with this blurry but happy face.

I have to work on my December Daily and then get the kids to bed. Then I am off to my friend Nicholas’ house. Here’s to a wonderful night with friends. The todo list can wait.


Oh, and, just in case you’re still not subscribed, I wanted to mention my newsletter again. First issue will be out January 1, 2011 (most likely) and will involve some exclusive digital downloads. To register, just go on my blog and look at the top right. Thank you!!

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I go out to see friends tonight and might be seeing friends tomorrow. Both really great friends.
2. I am grateful that after one more day of work, I will have quite a few days off. I need some time to relax.
3. I am grateful that we had a quiet, peaceful and productive day.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. playing on the computer {* his pick for the journal}
2. grateful that mommy and i read together
3. playing with Nathaniel

3 comments to Daily Diary – December 20 2010

  • I just learned about the Fitbit pedometer. Unfortunately, it’s not available in Malaysia. I was previously using the Nike+ Sportband but it was over-reporting on my progress, which made me very happy until I realised it was wrong. I am now using an Omron HJ-113 which is a really amazing gadget because it differentiates between normal steps and aerobic steps. The aerobic counter is activated after more than 10 minutes of at least 60 steps per minute, and continues to update every minute unless the number of steps drops below 60/min over 10 minutes. On my morning walks, the counter is activated between 100 and 150 steps after I start walking. There was one walk where I achieved 90% of the daily 10,000-step requirement in aerobic steps. However, I don’t walk on a regular basis but in fits and starts. It’s a 2011 resolution for me to keep to a regular walking schedule! The Omron HJ-113 also reports on distance, time, calories and fat grams burned.

    I’ve enjoyed visiting your blog this past year. It makes me happy to see pictures of your boys. Look forward to more in the new year. A merry blessed Christmas and wonderful year ahead to you and your family.

  • sophie

    Hi Karen, from what I can see of your painting, you have NOTHING to feel inadequate about. In fact, you would make my day if you posted the whole painting for me (and the whole world) to admire. Your sneak peak is fascinating and I’m impatiently hoping you will allow us to see the rest! Please please please!

  • Love the painting and the beautiful smile-y boy! Wonderful!

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