Daily Diary – December 25 2010

Last night, right before I went to sleep, I set the table. Christmas breakfast is one of my favorite traditions and I love this table. Simple but beautiful to me.

In the morning, I filled the containers with fruit and got down to making the pancakes.

After breakfast, David got to open his stockings. Let’s just say he was excited.

Nathaniel didn’t really get the concept but once a few presents came out of it, he was fascinated with the stocking.

And played with his cars immediately.

Then it was time to open presents and we always start with the youngest and go in order. So Nathaniel started.

And then David.

Within minutes everyone was playing with their new toys.

Nathaniel didn’t really understand how he got to have more and more toys. David was quite a bit more excited than he was.

But he did love each toy. (especially this camera mommy got him.)

Daddy snapped some photos of me, too. Here I am holding one of my favorite presents, Karen Walrond‘s The Beauty of Different. David was delighted that her name is the same as mine.

I tried to get Jake to take a photo of me and the little boy, but he wasn’t having any of it.

Then we opened David’s present to us. A little candle holder he made and decorated at school. Even the bag was beautifully decorated.

There was some choo-choo watching in between as Nathaniel is completely addicted to Thomas now and cries and begs for it.

After the present-opening was over, I used my brand-new remote to get a photo of all of us. The light was low and it’s not the best quality photo but I still love it because we’re all in it.

And there came and went another Christmas. The kids are eating dinner now and David and I are about to make one more Christmas dessert and then it’s time to get settled down for the night.

I hope your day was wonderful and you were with the people you love. A very merry day to you. And see you tomorrow!

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for another wonderful Christmas. For a simple day with my family.
2. I am grateful that we’re lucky and blessed to have many presents today and more importantly a safe place to be warm and together. I do not take that for granted. I am grateful.
3. I am grateful that I can now cozy up with my new books and just enjoy my time off.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. grateful that i get to open all my presents {* his pick for the journal}
2. grateful that I opened the presents in my stocking
3. grateful for my Christmas waffle (photo tomorrow)
4. grateful for my spiderman megablock toy
5. grateful for my new wii game and playing it with daddy
I have so much to be grateful for today, Mommy, he added.

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